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6.04 ASA and AAS congruence criteria

ASA and AAS congruence criteria


We are given two triangles with 2 pairs of congruent angles, and the corresponding sides between those angles are congruent.

  1. Sketch two triangles to fit the description
  2. Label the triangles GHI and LMN, so that \angle G \cong \angle L, \angle H \cong \angle M, and \overline{GH} \cong \overline{LM}
  3. Formulate a plan for proving that there is a sequence of rigid transformations that will map \triangle GHI to \triangle LMN and explain how you know one or more vertices will align at each step.

If we are given two congruent corresponding angles and one congruent corresponding side, then we will be proving the triangles congruent by angle-side-angle or angle-angle-side congruency depending on the position of the given side.

Included side

The side between two angles of a polygon is the included side of those two angles

Triangle D E F. Angle D is marked with one mark, angle E is marked with 2 marks, and side D E is highlighted.
Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) congruency theorem

If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to two angles and the included side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent

Angle-Angle-Side (AAS) congruency theorem

If two angles and the non-included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of another triangle, the triangles are congruent

Triangle A B C and triangle X Y Z are drawn such that Angle C A B and angle Y X Z are marked congruent, as well as side A B and side X Y, and also angle A B C and angle X Y Z.
Vertical triangles M N R and Q N P are drawn such that segment M P and Segment Q R are straight lines intersecting at N. Angle R M N and angle Q P N are marked congruent as well as angle M N R and angle Q N P. Segment R N and segment Q N are also marked congruent.

When proving triangles congruent, it can be difficult to distinguish between ASA and AAS congruence. That's usually due to a result of a corollary to the triangle sum theorem:

Third angles theorem

If two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then the third angles are also congruent

Two triangles. Two angles of one triangle are congruent to the two angles of the other triangle.

Because of this theorem, any triangles that can be proven by ASA congruence can also be proven by AAS congruence and vice versa without any additional information.


Example 1

Use rigid transformations to prove the ASA congruency theorem: If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to two angles and the included side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

We can set up a figure so we can do the proof in terms of a particular diagram. Since we can't use the ASA congruency theorem to prove itself, we must use another strategy. In this case, we need to identify a series of rigid transformations that will map \triangle ABC to \triangle DEF. Our rigid transformations are:

  • Translation
  • Rotation
  • Reflection
Apply the idea
Two triangles: A B C and D E F. B C and E F are congruent. Angles C and F are congruent, as well as angles B and E.


  • \angle{ABC}\cong \angle{DEF}

  • \overline{BC}\cong \overline{EF}

  • \angle{ACB}\cong \overline{DFE}

Prove: \triangle ABC \cong \triangle DEF

We need to consider that the two triangles could be any orientation.

  1. There is a rigid transformation that will map \overline{BC} onto \overline{EF} because \overline{BC}\cong \overline{EF}. First, we can rotate and reflect the triangle to get \overline{BC}\parallel \overline{EF} so that and \angle B and \angle E are oriented in the same direction. Call this triangle \triangle A'B'C'. If A' and D are on the same side, reflect over \overline{EF} until the figure is as shown.

    Three triangles: A B C, A prime B prime C prime, and D E F. B prime C prime and E F are overlapping and congruent. C B is congruent to B prime C prime and E F. Angles C, C prime and F are congruent, as well as angles B, B prime and E.
  2. Since these transformations are all rigid transformations, we have that: \angle{ABC}\cong \angle{A'B'C'} \text{ and }\angle{ACB}\cong \angle{A'C'B'}

  3. Using the given information and the transitive property of congruence, we have that:\angle{DEF}\cong \angle{A'B'C'} \text{ and }\angle{DFE}\cong \angle{A'C'B'}

  4. Point A' can be mapped on to point D by a reflection across \overline{EF}.

    We can justify that point A' coincides with point D after the reflection as follows:

    If the reflection of \triangle{A'FE} is \triangle{A''FE}, points E and F will remain fixed during the reflection. \overrightarrow{EA''} will coincide with \overrightarrow{ED}, and \overrightarrow{FA''} will coincide with \overrightarrow{FD} because reflections preserve angles, and rays coming from the same point at the same angle will coincide. We have that\overrightarrow{EA''} and \overrightarrow{FA''} can only intersect at point A'', and \overrightarrow{ED} and \overrightarrow{FD} can only intersect at point D. Since the rays coincide, their intersection points, A'' and D, will also coincide.

  5. We have now shown that:
    • A maps to D using rigid transformations

    • B maps to E using rigid transformations

    • C maps to F using rigid transformations

    So, we have that \triangle ABC can be mapped onto \triangle DEF using rigid motions, so: \triangle ABC \cong \triangle DEF

Example 2

Prove that the two triangles are congruent.

Two triangles: left triangle has three congruent sides of length 8, right triangle has base angles both measuring 60 degrees and opposite one of the 60 degree angle is a side of length 8.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Notice that one triangle is equilateral, while the other is equiangular. The corollary to the base angles theorem and its converse tells us that both triangles will be equilateral and equiangular.

Apply the idea

Both triangles are equiangular, which means that the two triangles share three common angle measures. Since they both also have a corresponding side of length 8, we can use the AAS test to justify that they are congruent.

Reflect and check

We could also show that the triangles are congruent by stating that both triangles are equilateral, which means that both must have three sides of length 8. We can then use the SSS test to justify that they are congruent.

Example 3

In the following diagram, \overline{AD} and \overline{BC} are both straight line segments.

Triangles A B X sharing vertex X with triangle D C X. A B is congruent and parallel to C D.

Prove that \triangle{ABX}\cong\triangle{DCX}.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

We want to find as much information as we can in order to satisfy one of the congruence tests.

Since \overline{AD} and \overline{BC} are straight line segments, we can find vertically opposite angles, and since \overline{AB}\parallel\overline{DC} we can find alternate angles on parallel lines.

Triangles A B X sharing vertex X with triangle D C X. A B is congruent and parallel to C D. Angles A X B and D X C are congruent, as well as A B X and D C X, and B A X and C D X.
Apply the idea
To prove: \triangle{ABX}\cong\triangle{DCX}
1.\overline{AD} and \overline{BC} are straight line segmentsGiven
2.\angle{AXB} and \angle{DXC} are vertically opposite anglesOpposite angles between straight line segments
3.\angle{AXB}\cong\angle{DXC}Vertically opposite angles are congruent
4.\angle{ABX} and \angle{DCX} are alternate interior angles\overline{BC} is a transversal of \overline{AB} and \overline{DC}
6.\angle{ABX}\cong\angle{DCX}Alternate interior angles are congruent
8.\triangle{ABX}\cong\triangle{DCX}AAS congruence
Reflect and check

We could also use ASA to prove that \triangle{ABX} \cong \triangle{DCX}, ignoring vertical angles in a proof like the one that follows:

To prove: \triangle{ABX}\cong\triangle{DCX}
1.\overline{AD} and \overline{BC} are straight line segmentsGiven
2.\angle{ABX} and \angle{DCX} are alternate interior angles\overline{BC} is a transversal of \overline{AB} and \overline{DC}
4.\angle{ABX}\cong\angle{DCX}Alternate interior angles are congruent
5.\angle{BAX}\cong\angle{CDX}Alternate interior angles are congruent
7.\triangle{ABX}\cong\triangle{DCX}ASA congruence

Example 4

Find the value of x that makes the triangles congruent.

Two triangles D E F and X Y Z. Angle D measures 23 degrees, angle E is 64 degrees. Side D F is of length 13.5 feet. Angle X measures 23 degrees; angle Y, 64 degrees; side X Y is of length 4 x minus 1 feet.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The triangles are congruent by ASA, so we can identify corresponding parts and create an equation to solve for x.

Based on the diagram, we see that\angle E \cong \angle Y and \angle D \cong \angle X, so the included side for the first triangle is \overline{DE} and the included side for the second triangle is \overline{XY}. By the definition of congruence, if \overline{DE}\cong \overline{XY}, then the two segments will be equal in length. Therefore, we need to find x so that 15=4x-1.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle 15\displaystyle =\displaystyle 4x-1DE=XY
\displaystyle 16\displaystyle =\displaystyle 4xAdd 1 to both sides
\displaystyle 4\displaystyle =\displaystyle xDivide by 4 on both sides

Example 5

Construct a copy of the triangle shown using two angles and one side.

Triangle A B C.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

We will use two angles and and included side. To create a copy of \triangle ABC, we will first create a copy of \overline{AC}. The endpoints of this new segment are the two vertices of the triangle. Then we will create copies of \angle A on one of these vertices and a copy of \angle C on the other vertex. The intersection of the sides of the angles will determine the third vertex.

Apply the idea

We will use GeoGebra to implement the steps.

We start by constructing a point D that will become one of the vertex of the triangles. We can do this using the Point tool as shown.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Next, we want to create a copy of \overline{AC}. To do this, we can use the Compass tool. Select vertices A and C first then select point D. This creates a circle centered at D with a radius of length AC.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

We can then use the Point tool to create a new point E on the arc.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Connect D and E using the Segment tool. This is a copy of \overline{AC}. Because \overline{DE} is the radius of circle D it must be congruent to \overline{AC}.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

To create a copy of \angle A and \angle C, we need to create an arc centered at A that intersects both \overline{AB} and \overline{AC}. To do this, use the Circle with Center through tool. Select point A and any other point on \overline{AB} which we will call F.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Find the point of intersection of the arc and \overline{AC} which we will call G and add it using the Point tool.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Use the Compass tool to create a copy of circle A centered at point D. To do this, select A and F, and then select D.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Locate the intersection of the arc of the smaller circle D and \overline{DE} using the Point tool. This point H is a copy of G.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Create an arc using the Compass tool. Select F and G, then select H.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Use the point tool to add the point I at the intersection of the arcs of circles D and H above \overline{DE}. We have created the point I to be the same distance from H as point F is from G. This means \overset{\large\frown}{FG} \cong \overset{\large\frown}{IH}.

Use the Line tool. Select I and then select D. \angle IDH is a copy of \angle A.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

We need to repeat the previous steps to copy \angle C. Use the Circle with Center through tool. Select C and then another point J on \overline{BC}.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Locate K, the intersection of the arc and \overline{AC}, using the Point tool.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Use the Compass tool to create a copy of the arc on E. Select C and J, and then select E.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Locate the intersection of the arc and \overline{DE} using the Point tool. This point L is a copy of K.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Create an arc using the Compass tool. Select J and K, then select L.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Use the Line tool. Select M, the intersection of the arc centered at E and the arc centered at L, and then select E. \angle MEL is a copy of \angle C.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Locate N, the intersection of \overleftrightarrow{DI} and \overleftrightarrow{EM}, using the Point tool.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Finally, we can create \triangle DNE using the Polygon tool. This \triangle DNE is copy of \triangle ABC. We know the triangles are congruent by ASA because we constructed copies of two angles and their included side.

A screenshot of the GeoGebra Geometry tool showing how to construct a copy of triangle A B C using two angles and one side. Speak to your teacher for more details.

Example 6

Justify that the following steps construct the perpendicular bisector of \overline{AB}.

  1. Using a compass, construct an arc centered at A with a radius with length that is more than half the length of \overline{AB}.

  2. Using the same compass setting, construct an arc centered at B. The two arcs must intersect at two points C and D.

  3. Draw \overline{CD}. This is a perpendicular bisector of \overline{AB}.

Horizontal line segment AB. Arcs are drawn using points A and B as vertices. The intersection of the two arcs are labeled with points C and D. A dashed lined is drawn connecting points C and D.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

We can use the fact that we used the same setting of the compass when drawing the arcs to justify that some segments are congruent. Using SSS, ASA and CPCTC, we will prove that \overline{CD} is a bisector of \overline{AB} and that the segments are perpendicular, and therefore that \overline{CD} is a perpendicular bisector if \overline{AB}.

Apply the idea
Horizontal line segment AB. Arcs are drawn using points A and B as vertices. The intersection of the two arcs are labeled with points C and D. A dashed lined is drawn connecting points C and D. The intersection of segment AB and dashed line CD is labeled as point E.

Start by marking point E, the intersection of \overline{CD} and \overline{AB}.

Horizontal line segment AB. Arcs are drawn using points A and B as vertices. The intersection of the two arcs are labeled with points C and D. A dashed lined is drawn connecting points C and D. The intersection of segment AB and dashed line CD is labeled as point E. Four congruent segments are drawn by connecting points AC, CB, BD and DA. A line segment is drawn from point C to point D, passing through point E.

C and D lie on the arc centered at A, and so \overline{AC} \cong \overline{AD}. C and D also lie on the arc centered at B, and so \overline{BC} \cong \overline{BD}. Since by construction the two arcs have the same radius, we know that \overline{AC} \cong \overline{AD} \cong \overline{BC} \cong \overline{BD}. This means \triangle ACD \cong \triangle BCD by SSS congruence. Using CPCTC, \angle ACD \cong \angle BCD. This also means that \angle ACE \cong \angle BCE.

Horizontal line segment AB. Arcs are drawn using points A and B as vertices. The intersection of the two arcs are labeled with points C and D. A dashed lined is drawn connecting points C and D. The intersection of segment AB and dashed line CD is labeled as point E. Two congruent segments are drawn by connecting points AC and CB. A line segment is drawn from point C to point E. Angle CAE and CBE are congruent. Angles ACE and BCE are congruent.

\triangle ACB is isosceles, so \angle CAE \cong \angle CBE. By ASA congruence, we know that \triangle ACE \cong \triangle BCE. By CPCTC, we have \overline{AE} \cong \overline{BE}. This means \overline{CD} is a bisector of \overline{AB}. Using the same congruence statement and CPCTC, we know that \angle AEC \cong \angle BEC. Since \angle AEC and \angle BEC are also linear pair, then m\angle AEC = m\angle BEC=90 \degree. This means that \overline{CE}, and by extension \overline{CD}, is perpendicular to \overline{AB}.

This proves that \overline{CD} is a perpendicular bisector of \overline{AB}.

Reflect and check

It is important that the compass width is greater than half of AB to ensure that there will be two points of intersection. Setting the width to excatly half AB will only result in one intersection point and setting the width to less than half of AB will result in no intersection points.

Idea summary

To show that two triangles are congruent, it is sufficient to demonstrate the following:

  • Angle-side-angle, or ASA: If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to two angles and the included side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent

  • Angle-Angle-Side, or AAS: If two angles and the non-included side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts of another triangle, the triangles are congruent



The student will, given information in the form of a figure or statement, prove and justify two triangles are congruent using direct and indirect proofs, and solve problems involving measured attributes of congruent triangles.


Use definitions, postulates, and theorems (including Side-Side-Side (SSS); Side-Angle-Side (SAS); Angle-Side-Angle (ASA); Angle-Angle-Side (AAS); and Hypotenuse-Leg (HL)) to prove and justify two triangles are congruent.


Use algebraic methods to prove that two triangles are congruent.


Given a triangle, use congruent segment, congruent angle, and/or perpendicular line constructions to create a congruent triangle (SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, and HL).

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