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VCE 11 Methods 2023

10.04 Optimisation


Many practical problems involve finding a solution to achieve a maximum or minimum value. Some examples could include:

  • maximising profit in a business
  • minimising costs for the production of a product
  • maximising the volume of field given a certain amount of fencing wire
  • minimising distance travelled 

The process to find the best solution in these cases is called optimisation.

There are many optimisation techniques for different problems, and in many cases where the outcome can be described using a function, calculus can be used to find the optimal solution.


Problem solving steps for optimisation applications

  1. Where appropriate, draw a clear diagram to illustrate the problem. Label the diagram and define any variables. Note if the variable has any restrictions including implied restrictions - for example, the physical dimensions of any object would need to be positive.
  2. Write an expression for the quantity to be optimised using known relationships. Express this quantity as a function in terms of a single variable - this may require some algebraic manipulation such as substitution.
  3. Find the derivative of your function and solve for the value(s) which make the derivative equal zero.
  4. Determine the nature of any stationary points found - local maximum, local minimum or stationary point of inflection. This can be done by checking the value of the derivative either side of any stationary points and can be checked by graphing the function using technology.
  5. Identify the optimal solution, remembering to check endpoints if the domain is restricted. Make sure to consider whether the solution makes sense in the context of the problem. 


Worked examples

example 1

Holly is fencing of an area of her backyard for a vegetable garden. She has $12$12 metres of fencing and is building the garden against an existing wall, so the fencing is only required for three sides. What is the largest area she can enclose with the fencing she has?

Step 1. Draw and label a diagram of the situation.


Let $x$x be the width of the garden and $y$y be the length. Since we require the area in terms of one variable, let's rewrite $y$y in terms of $x$x

$\text{Total fencing}$Total fencing $=$= $2x+y$2x+y
$12$12 $=$= $2x+y$2x+y
$\therefore y$y $=$= $12-2x$122x

Note: Since both width and length need to be positive, we have the implied restriction: $0\le x\le6$0x6. The endpoints here don't need to be included - they will simply give a zero area.

Step 2. We want to maximise area, so we want to express the area in terms of $x$x.

$\text{Area}$Area $=$= $\text{length}\times\text{width}$length×width using known formulas
$A(x)$A(x) $=$= $x(12-2x)$x(122x)  
  $=$= $12x-2x^2$12x2x2  $m^2$m2 expanding as this will be required for differentiation

Step 3. Find the derivative and solve $A'(x)=0$A(x)=0:

The derivative is $A'(x)=12-4x$A(x)=124x, when $A'(x)=0$A(x)=0, we have:

$12-4x$124x $=$= $0$0
$4x$4x $=$= $12$12
$x$x $=$= $3$3

When$x=3$x=3, $A(3)=18$A(3)=18 $m^2$m2. So we have a stationary point at $\left(3,18\right)$(3,18).

Step 4. To confirm this is a maximum we can test the derivative either side of the stationary point:

$x$x $2$2 $3$3 $4$4
$f'(x)$f(x) $4$4 $0$0 $-4$4
Sign $+$+ $0$0 $-$

Step 5. Hence, we have a maximum area of $18$18 $m^2$m2 when the dimensions of the garden are $3$3 $m$m by $6$6 $m$m.

This could also be confirmed using a graph as seen above or from our knowledge of quadratic functions. Recall from quadratic functions, that graphs of the form $f(x)=ax^2+bx+c$f(x)=ax2+bx+c have their turning point located at $x=-\frac{b}{2a}$x=b2a and this will be a minimum if the leading coefficient $a$a is positive and a maximum if $a$a is negative.

Try using calculus on the general quadratic $f(x)=ax^2+bx+c$f(x)=ax2+bx+c to prove the location of the turning point is always $x=-\frac{b}{2a}$x=b2a and its nature.

Example 2

A piece of wire, $320$320 $cm$cm long, is used to make the twelve edges of a rectangular box in which the length is three times the width. 

a) Find the maximum volume of the box that can be formed using the wire and the dimensions of this optimal box.

Step 1. Draw and label a diagram of the situation.

Let $x$x be the width of the box and $h$h be the height of the box. The length of the box is given by $3x$3x. Since we will require the volume in terms of one variable, let's rewrite $h$h in terms of $x$x

$\text{Total length of wire}$Total length of wire $=$= $4\left(3x+x+h\right)$4(3x+x+h)
$320$320 $=$= $4\left(4x+h\right)$4(4x+h)
$4x+h$4x+h $=$= $80$80
$\therefore h$h $=$= $80-4x$804x

Note: Since length, width and height need to be positive we have the implied restriction: $0\le x\le20$0x20

Step 2. We want to maximise the volume, so we want to express the volume in terms of $x$x.

$\text{Volume}$Volume $=$= $\text{length}\times\text{width}\times\text{height}$length×width×height using known formulas
$V(x)$V(x) $=$= $3x\times x\times(80-4x)$3x×x×(804x)  
  $=$= $240x^2-12x^3$240x212x3  $m^2$m2 expanding as this will be required for differentiation

Step 3. Find the derivative and solve $V'(x)=0$V(x)=0:

The derivative is $V'(x)=480x-36x^2$V(x)=480x36x2, when $V'(x)=0$V(x)=0, we have:

$480x-36x^2$480x36x2 $=$= $0$0
$4x\left(120-9x\right)$4x(1209x) $=$= $0$0

Therefore, by null factor law either:

$4x$4x $=$= $0$0     or     $120-9x$1209x $=$= $0$0
$\therefore x$x $=$= $0$0   $-9x$9x $=$= $-120$120
        $\therefore x$x $=$= $13\frac{1}{3}$1313

When$x=0$x=0, $V(0)=0$V(0)=0 $cm^3$cm3 and when $x=13\frac{1}{3}$x=1313, $V(13\frac{1}{3})=14222\frac{2}{9}$V(1313)=1422229 $cm^3$cm3. The volume of $0$0 $m^3$m3 is clearly not a maximum and in fact we do not have a box when the width and length are $0$0 $cm$cm. So let's simply check the nature of the stationary point at $\left(13\frac{1}{3},14222\frac{2}{9}\right)$(1313,1422229).

Step 4. To confirm this is a maximum we can test the derivative either side of the stationary point:

$x$x $10$10 $13\frac{1}{3}$1313 $15$15
$f'(x)$f(x) $1200$1200 $0$0 $-900$900
Sign $+$+ $0$0 $-$

Step 5. Hence, we have a maximum volume of $14222.\overline{2}$14222.2 $m^3$m3 when the dimensions of the box are $13\frac{1}{3}$1313 $cm$cm by $40$40 $cm$cm by $26\frac{2}{3}$2623 $cm$cm. This can also be confirmed by graphing the function on the appropriate domain.

b) If the height of the box can be at most $20$20 $cm$cm, what is the maximum volume that can be formed using the wire and the dimensions of this optimal box.

If the height is restricted we have the following inequality:

$0$0 $\le$ $80-4x$804x $\le$ $20$20
$-80$80 $\le$ $-4x$4x $\le$ $-60$60
$20$20 $\ge$ $x$x $\ge$ $15$15
$\therefore15$15 $\le$ $x$x $\le$ $20$20

Sketching the graph on the restricted domain we can see the maximum occurs at the end point, $x=15$x=15.

Hence, with the height restriction the maximum volume of the box is $13500$13500 $cm^3$cm3, when the dimensions are $15$15 $cm$cm by $45$45 $cm$cm by $20$20 $cm$cm.


Practice questions

Question 1

The sum of two whole numbers is $24$24. Let one of the numbers be $x$x.

  1. Let $y$y represent the product of the numbers. Form an expression for $y$y in terms of $x$x.

    Enter each line of work as an equation.

  2. Solve for the value of $x$x that will result in the greatest product of the two numbers.

    Enter each line of work as an equation.

  3. Find the greatest possible product of the two numbers.

Question 2

A box without cover is to be constructed from a rectangular cardboard that measures $90$90 cm by $42$42 cm by cutting out four identical square corners of the cardboard and folding up the sides.

Let $x$x be the height of the box, and $V$V the volume of the box.

  1. Form an equation for $V$V in terms of $x$x.

    Give your answer in expanded form.

  2. Solve for the possible value(s) of $x$x that could correspond to the box of largest volume.

  3. Complete the table to prove that when $x=9$x=9 cm the volume of the box is maximised.

    $x$x $8$8 $9$9 $10$10
    $\frac{dV}{dx}$dVdx $\editable{}$ $0$0 $\editable{}$
  4. Find the maximum volume of the box.

Question 3

A cylindrical tin can with radius $r$r cm and height $h$h cm is to be designed so that the total surface area including the top and bottom is $5\pi$5π cm2.

  1. Express $h$h in terms of $r$r.

  2. Let $V$V be the volume of the can. Express $V$V in terms of $r$r only, simplifying where possible.

  3. Find the possible value(s) for the radius of the base that could result in the can of the largest volume. Leave your answer in exact form.

  4. Complete the table to prove that when $r=\sqrt{\frac{5}{6}}$r=56 cm the volume of the cylinder is a maximum.

    Give both values to the nearest integer.

    $r$r $0$0 $\sqrt{\frac{5}{6}}$56 $1$1
    $\frac{dV}{dr}$dVdr $\editable{}$ $0$0 $\editable{}$



applications of differentiation, including finding instantaneous rates of change, stationary values of functions, local maxima or minima, points of inflection, analysing graphs of functions including motion graphs, and solving maximum and minimum problems with consideration of modelling domain and local and global maxima and minima


use derivatives to assist in the sketching of graphs of simple polynomial functions and to solve simple maximum and minimum optimisation problems

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