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VCE 11 Methods 2023

10.03 Properties of graphs


Connections between a function and its derivative

Recall that the gradient of a function is found by calculating its derivative. Is it possible to gain any more information about a function from its derivative function?

The applet below shows the graphs of several different functions (linear, quadratic, cubic and the hyperbola $y=\frac{1}{x}$y=1x ) together with the graph of their derivative. Explore each function and look for connections between the features of the function and the graph of the derivative such as:

  • The steepness of the curve
  • Where the function is increasing or decreasing
  • Key points such as maximums or minimums
  • The shape of the derivative function

What connections can be found?  Look further at the connections for polynomials and their gradient functions. The shape of a polynomial determines the shape of its derivative since, when differentiating a polynomial of degree $n$n, a derivative of degree $n-1$n1 is obtained. Hence, a linear function will produce a constant derivative, a quadratic function will produce a linear derivative, a cubic function will produce a quadratic derivative, and so forth.

Another observation that becomes apparent after looking at a few functions together with their derivatives is that turning points (local maximums and minimums) in the function correspond to $x$x-intercepts in the gradient function. Check the graphs below which display this connection. This occurs since the tangent to a turning point will be horizontal and thus have a gradient of zero. For further discussion see the Stationary Points section further down.

Quadratic Cubic Quartic


Increasing and decreasing

When a function is increasing, that is as the $x$x values increase the $y$y values increase, this relates to a positive gradient. So, when the function is increasing, the derivative will be above the $x$x-axis.

When a function is decreasing, that is as the $x$x values increase the $y$y values decrease, this relates to a negative gradient. So, when the function is decreasing, the derivative will be below the $x$x-axis.

For the graphs below, observe where the function is increasing (indicated in green sections), where it is decreasing (indicated in blue). Also, identify where the derivative function is located.


Stationary points

A stationary point is where the derivative is zero, that is, a point $\left(a,f(a)\right)$(a,f(a)) is said to be a stationary point if $f'(a)=0$f(a)=0. At this point the tangent is horizontal and the instantaneous rate of change is zero - so the function is momentarily stationary. There are three types of stationary points:

  • Local minimum: at this point $f(x)$f(x) has the lowest value in the region of this point. The graph changes from decreasing to increasing at this point. Hence, the derivative will change from negative to positive.
  • Local maximum: at this point $f(x)$f(x) has the highest value in the region of this point. The graph changes from increasing to decreasing at this point. Hence, the derivative will change from positive to negative.
  • Stationary point of inflection: at this point, the sign of the gradient does not change either side of the point, that is, it can be positive either side of the stationary point or negative either side. At points of inflection the rate of change switches from increasing to decreasing or vice versa. So, unlike the maximum or minimum, it is not the graph itself changing between increasing and decreasing but the gradient of the graph. So the gradient changes from becoming less steep to becoming steeper or vice versa. This will be explored more in further studies of calculus.

Local maximum and minimum are also referred to as turning points, since the function changes between increasing and decreasing at these points.

The reason for the emphasis on "local" minimum or maximum is that they may give the minimum or maximum value within a region of the point but not over the entire domain of the graph. If a point gives the maximum or minimum value over the entire domain of a graph then this point is referred to as an absolute maximum or absolute minimum. These are also known as the global maximum and global minimum. In the first graph below there is both an absolute and local minimum, as well as a local maximum, however, as the graph is unbounded there is no global maximum. The second graph below shows a restricted domain where the absolute maximum is in fact at an end-point and not a turning point.

For many functions a local maximum or minimum is also a absolute maximum or minimum, such as turning points for an unrestricted quadratic graph.


Practice questions

Question 1

Consider the function $y=x^2-1$y=x21 drawn here.

Which of the following graphs represent $y'$y?

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Question 2

Consider the gradient function $f'\left(x\right)$f(x) drawn here. Which of the following graphs are possible representations of the original function $f\left(x\right)$f(x)?
Select the two that apply.

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Sketching polynomials

Recall from polynomials of higher order that the general shape of a given polynomial could be sketched using facts about:

  • The degree of the polynomial
  • The coefficient of the leading term and behaviour of the function at the extremities
  • The $y$y-intercept
  • The $x$x-intercepts from factored forms or using technology

Previously, technology was used to find the location and nature of stationary points and where a function is increasing or decreasing. Calculus can now be used to achieve this.

To find stationary points for a function $y=f(x)$y=f(x):

  1. Find the derivative $f'(x)$f(x)
  2. Solve $f'(x)=0$f(x)=0 for $x$x.
  3. Substitute the $x$x-coordinate of any stationary points found back into the original function $f(x)$f(x) to find the $y$y-coordinate of the point.

To determine the nature of a stationary point, evaluate the derivative just either side of the stationary point.

  • If the derivative changes from negative to positive this is a local minimum.
  • If the derivative changes from positive to negative this is a local maximum.
  • If the sign of the derivative does not change either side of the stationary point this a stationary point of inflection.

A table or diagram indicating the sign and/or shape (increasing, decreasing or constant) is helpful to keep track and visualise the nature of turning points for graphing purposes.

Steps for sketching polynomials:

  1. Determine $x$x-intercepts, solve $f(x)=0$f(x)=0 for $x$x. This can be done through factorisation or use of technology. If the function does not factorise easily and you do not have access to technology you can create a rough sketch using the other key features found and approximating the location of the $x$x-intercepts.
  2. Determine the $y$y-intercept by letting $x=0$x=0.
  3. Find the derivative and use it to determine the location and nature of the turning points. 
  4. Determine the behaviour at the extremities by looking at the leading term. Recall that the degree of the polynomial, $n$n, together with the leading coefficient, $a$a, dictate the overall shape and behaviour of the function at the extremities:
$n$n $a>0$a>0 $a<0$a<0





Worked example 

Example 1

For the function $f(x)=\left(x-5\right)\left(x-2\right)\left(x+3\right)$f(x)=(x5)(x2)(x+3), find:

a) The $x$x-intercepts.

b) The $y$y-intercept.

c) The location and nature of any turning points.

d) Use the information to sketch the function.

Think: This is cubic and by expanding the brackets  a positive leading coefficient van be seen. This shows that the general shape is a cubic with the tails of the function going from bottom left to top right.


a) Find the $x$x-intercepts: Solving $f(x)=0$f(x)=0:


As the function is in factored form, the solutions are $x=5$x=5, $2$2 and $-3$3. So the $x$x-intercepts are $\left(5,0\right)$(5,0), $\left(2,0\right)$(2,0) and $\left(-3,0\right)$(3,0).

b) Find the $y$y-intercept: When $x=0$x=0:

$f\left(0\right)$f(0) $=$= $\left(0-5\right)\left(0-2\right)\left(0+3\right)$(05)(02)(0+3)
  $=$= $30$30

Thus, the $y$y-intercept is $\left(0,30\right)$(0,30).

c) Find the location and nature of turning points: Find the derivative and solve $f'(x)=0$f(x)=0.

Expanding $f(x)$f(x) we obtain:

$f(x)$f(x) $=$= $\left(x-5\right)\left(x-2\right)\left(x+3\right)$(x5)(x2)(x+3)
  $=$= $\left(x-5\right)\left(x^2+x-6\right)$(x5)(x2+x6)
  $=$= $x^3-4x^2-11x+30$x34x211x+30
Hence, $f'(x)$f(x) $=$= $3x^2-8x-11$3x28x11

Solving $f'(x)=0$f(x)=0:

$3x^2-8x-11$3x28x11 $=$= $0$0
$\left(3x-11\right)\left(x+1\right)$(3x11)(x+1) $=$= $0$0
$\therefore x$x $=$= $\frac{11}{3}$113 or $-1$1

Substituting these values into $f(x)$f(x) to  obtain $f\left(\frac{11}{3}\right)=-\frac{400}{27}\approx-14.8$f(113)=4002714.8 and $f\left(-1\right)=36$f(1)=36. So we have two stationary points at $\left(\frac{11}{3},-\frac{400}{27}\right)$(113,40027) and $\left(-1,36\right)$(1,36). We can use information about the shape of the graph (positive cubic) to ascertain that the point to the left, $\left(-1,36\right)$(1,36), will be the maximum and the second point, $\left(\frac{11}{3},-\frac{400}{27}\right)$(113,40027), will be the minimum.

Alternatively, we can use calculus to test the behaviour of the derivative either side and between these two points. Choose convenient $x$x-values before $x=-1$x=1, (such as $x=-2$x=2), between $x=-1$x=1 and $\frac{11}{3}$113 (such as$x=0$x=0) and after $x=\frac{11}{3}$x=113 (such as $x=4$x=4). Substitute the values into the gradient function - we are concerned with the sign and whether the function is increasing or decreasing, so you can choose to simply record the sign in the table and not include the value.

$x$x $-2$2 $-1$1 $0$0 $\frac{11}{3}$113 $4$4
$f'(x)$f(x) $17$17 $0$0 $-11$11 $0$0 $5$5


$+$+ $0$0 $-$ $0$0 $+$+



The table shows that at $x=-1$x=1 the graph changes from increasing to decreasing and hence, $\left(-1,36\right)$(1,36) is a maximum. And at $x=\frac{11}{3}$x=113 the graph changes from decreasing to increasing and hence, $\left(\frac{11}{3},-\frac{400}{27}\right)$(113,40027) is a minimum.

d) Plotting the points we have so far and sketching a smooth curve connecting them we obtain the graph:


Practice questions

Question 3

Question 4

Consider the function $f\left(x\right)=\left(4x+5\right)^2\left(x-1\right)$f(x)=(4x+5)2(x1).

  1. State the coordinates of the $y$y-intercept.

    Give your answer in the form $\left(a,b\right)$(a,b).

  2. Solve for the $x$x-value(s) of the $x$x-intercept(s).

    If there is more than one value, write all of them on the same line, separated by commas.

  3. Determine an equation for $f'\left(x\right)$f(x).

  4. Hence solve for the $x$x-coordinate(s) of the stationary point(s).

    If there is more than one, write all of them on the same line separated by commas.

  5. By completing the tables of values, find the gradient of the curve at $x=-2$x=2, $x=-1$x=1, $x=0$x=0 and $x=1$x=1.

    $x$x $-2$2 $-\frac{5}{4}$54 $-1$1
    $f'\left(x\right)$f(x) $\editable{}$ $0$0 $\editable{}$
    $x$x $0$0 $\frac{1}{4}$14 $1$1
    $f'\left(x\right)$f(x) $\editable{}$ $0$0 $\editable{}$
  6. Select the correct statement(s).

    $\left(\frac{1}{4},-27\right)$(14,27) is a maximum turning point.


    $\left(-\frac{5}{4},0\right)$(54,0) is a minimum turning point.


    $\left(\frac{1}{4},-27\right)$(14,27) is a minimum turning point.


    $\left(-\frac{5}{4},0\right)$(54,0) is a maximum turning point.

  7. Draw the graph below.

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Question 5

Consider the function $f\left(x\right)=\left(x+2\right)^3-1$f(x)=(x+2)31.

  1. State the coordinates of the $y$y-intercept.

    Give your answer in the form $\left(a,b\right)$(a,b).

  2. Solve for the $x$x-value(s) of the $x$x-intercept(s).

    If there is more than one value, write all of them on the same line, separated by commas.

  3. Determine an equation for $f'\left(x\right)$f(x).

  4. Hence solve for the $x$x-coordinate(s) of the stationary point(s).

    If there is more than one, write all of them on the same line separated by commas.

  5. By completing the tables of values, find the gradient of the curve at $x=-3$x=3 and $x=-1$x=1.

    $x$x $-3$3 $-2$2 $-1$1
    $f'\left(x\right)$f(x) $\editable{}$ $0$0 $\editable{}$
  6. Select the correct statement.

    $\left(-2,-1\right)$(2,1) is a minimum turning point.


    $\left(-2,-1\right)$(2,1) is a maximum turning point.


    $\left(-2,-1\right)$(2,1) is horizontal point of inflection.

  7. Draw the graph below.

    Loading Graph...


Sketching functions from given information

The examples above required identifying the key features from an equation. However, it is also possible to be given pieces of information and then required to identify an appropriate graph or sketch a possible graph with those properties.


Worked example

Example 2

Sketch a possible graph that has the following properties:

  • $f'(2)=0$f(2)=0 and $f'(1)=0$f(1)=0
  • $f(2)=0$f(2)=0
  • $f(1)=1$f(1)=1
  • $f(0)=-4$f(0)=4
  • $f'(x)<0$f(x)<0 for $11<x<2 and $f'(x)>0$f(x)>0 elsewhere

Think: Carefully consider if the information given is about the function or its derivative. 

The first clue tells us that the graph has stationary points at $x=2$x=2 and $x=1$x=1.

The second piece of information tells us the graph passes through $\left(2,0\right)$(2,0). This is also our stationary point from the first clue and an $x$x-intercept.

The third piece of information tells us that the graph also passes through $\left(1,1\right)$(1,1), which is our other stationary point.

Dot point $4$4, tells us that when $x=0$x=0, $y=-4$y=4. That is the $y$y-intercept is $\left(0,-4\right)$(0,4).

Dot point $5$5 tells us that between the two stationary points we have a decreasing function and elsewhere we have an increasing function.

Do: Plotting the points and indicating the known areas of increasing and decreasing, we obtain:

Joining the dots with a smooth curve and following the arrow trends we have a graph of a function with the given properties - this is not the only possibility, can you draw a few more?


Practice questions

Question 6

Sketch the linear function that satisfies the following information



  1. Plot the line on the graph

    Loading Graph...

Question 7

Consider the four functions sketched below.

Which of the sketches match the information for $f\left(x\right)$f(x) shown in the table? Select all the correct options.

Information about $f\left(x\right)$f(x):
$f'\left(x\right)>0$f(x)>0 for $x<3$x<3
  1. A




Question 8

Consider the four functions sketched below.

Which of the sketches match the information for $f\left(x\right)$f(x) shown in the table? Select all the correct options.

Information about $f\left(x\right)$f(x):
$f'\left(x\right)>0$f(x)>0 for $x>4$x>4
$f'\left(x\right)<0$f(x)<0 elsewhere
  1. A






applications of differentiation, including finding instantaneous rates of change, stationary values of functions, local maxima or minima, points of inflection, analysing graphs of functions including motion graphs, and solving maximum and minimum problems with consideration of modelling domain and local and global maxima and minima


the sign of the gradient at and near a point and its interpretation in terms of key features of a graph of simple polynomial functions


use derivatives to assist in the sketching of graphs of simple polynomial functions and to solve simple maximum and minimum optimisation problems

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