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VCE 11 Methods 2023

8.08 Tangent function


Recall from the introduction of the unit circle that the tangent function can be defined as follows:

  • The tangent of the angle can be geometrically defined to be the $y$y-coordinate of point $Q$Q, where $Q$Q is the intersection of the extension of the line $OP$OP and the tangent of the circle at $\left(1,0\right)$(1,0)
  • Using similar triangles, this ratio can be algebraically defined as: $\tan\theta=\frac{\sin\theta}{\cos\theta}$tanθ=sinθcosθ
  • This also represents the gradient of the line that forms the angle $\theta$θ to the positive $x$x-axis

Let's revisit the applet from the introduction once more and focus our attention on the orange line. With the definitions above in mind, for what values of $\theta$θ is $\tan\theta$tanθ undefined? This would be the same as asking when is the slope of the line $OP$OP undefined, or when does $\cos\theta=0$cosθ=0. What is the value of $\tan0^\circ$tan0°? How often does the pattern repeat? That is, what is the period of $\tan\theta$tanθ?

Change the angle in the applet below and try to imagine the shape of the graph of $\tan\theta$tanθ and key features.


The graph of $\tan\theta$tanθ


Key features

Key features of the graph of $y=\tan\left(\theta\right)$y=tan(θ) are:

  • Asymptotes: vertical asymptotes appear at $\theta=\frac{\pi}{2}+n\pi$θ=π2+nπ, for $n$n any integer
  • Axis intercepts: vertical axis intercept: $\left(0,0\right)$(0,0), horizontal axis intercepts at: $\theta=n\pi$θ=nπ, for $n$n any integer - at each intercept there is a point of inflection
  • Period: The period of this graph can be found as the distance between two successive asymptotes. Hence, the period is: $\pi$π
  • Range: This graph is unbounded. Hence, the range is: $\left(-\infty,\infty\right)$(,)
  • Domain: The function is undefined at each vertical asymptote. Hence, the domain is:  $\theta:\theta\in\Re,\theta\ne n\pi$θ:θ,θnπ, where $n$n is any integer
  • Key points: useful for graphing, the function passes through $\left(\frac{\pi}{4},1\right)$(π4,1) and $\left(\frac{-\pi}{4},-1\right)$(π4,1)
  • Symmetry: The tangent graph is an odd function, that is $\tan\left(-\theta\right)=-\tan\theta$tan(θ)=tanθ. This also means the graph has point symmetry about the origin (or any point of inflection) by $180^\circ$180°

The asymptotes of the function are where the angle $\theta$θ would cause the line $OP$OP to be vertical and hence the gradient is undefined. Notice with this definition that $\tan\theta=\frac{\sin\theta}{\cos\theta}$tanθ=sinθcosθ. The function is undefined where $\cos\theta=0$cosθ=0 and the graph approaches the vertical lines at these values forming asymptotes.

The fact that the tangent function repeats at intervals of $\pi$π can be verified by looking at the unit circle diagram. Either, by considering the gradient of the line $OP$OP and how the gradient will be the same for a point at an angle of $\theta$θ or at an angle of $\theta+\pi$θ+π. Or, considering this algebraically by looking at the ratio $\frac{\sin\theta}{\cos\theta}$sinθcosθ. If $\pi$π is added to an angle $\theta$θ, then the diagram below shows that $\sin(\theta+\pi)$sin(θ+π) has the same magnitude as $\sin\theta$sinθ but opposite sign. The same relation holds between $\cos(\theta+\pi)$cos(θ+π) and $\cos\theta$cosθ.

Making use of the definition: $$

$\tan(\theta+\pi)$tan(θ+π) $=$= $\frac{\sin(\theta+\pi)}{\cos(\theta+\pi)}$sin(θ+π)cos(θ+π)
  $=$= $\frac{-\sin\theta}{-\cos\theta}$sinθcosθ
  $=$= $\tan\theta$tanθ


Practice question

question 1

Consider the graph of $y=\tan x$y=tanx for $-2\pi\le x\le2\pi$2πx2π.

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  1. How would you describe the graph?








  2. Which of the following is not appropriate to refer to in regard to the graph of $y=\tan x$y=tanx?








  3. The period of a periodic function is the length of $x$x-values that it takes to complete one full cycle.

    Determine the period of $y=\tan x$y=tanx in radians.

  4. State the range of $y=\tan x$y=tanx.








  5. As $x$x increases, what would be the next asymptote of the graph after $x=\frac{7\pi}{2}$x=7π2?


Transformations of $\tan x$tanx

Just as the trigonometric functions $y=\sin\theta$y=sinθ and $y=\cos\theta$y=cosθ can be transformed, parameters can be applied to the equation $y=\tan x$y=tanx to transform it to $y=a\tan\left(b\left(x-c\right)\right)+d$y=atan(b(xc))+d.

Use the geogebra applet below to adjust the parameters in $y=a\tan\left(b\left(x-c\right)\right)+d$y=atan(b(xc))+d and observe how they affect the graph. Try to answer the following questions.

  • Which parameters affect the position of the vertical asymptotes? Which ones don't?
  • Which parameters translate the graph, leaving the shape unchanged? Which ones affect the size?
  • Which parameter changes the period of the graph? Does making this parameter larger make the period larger?

The constants $a$a, $b$b, $c$c and $d$d transform the tangent graph. Let's summarise the impact of each:


To obtain the graph of $y=a\tan\left(b\left(x-c\right)\right)+d$y=atan(b(xc))+d from the graph of $y=\tan\left(x\right)$y=tan(x):

  • $a$a dilates(stretches) the graph by a factor of $a$a from the $x$x-axis. Before applying translations, this will cause the point $\left(\frac{\pi}{4},1\right)$(π4,1) to stretch to $\left(\frac{\pi}{4},a\right)$(π4,a) and similarly the point $\left(\frac{-\pi}{4},-1\right)$(π4,1)will stretch to $\left(\frac{-\pi}{4},-a\right)$(π4,a) 
  • When $a<0$a<0 the graph was reflected about the $x$x-axis. So the graph will be decreasing between the asymptotes rather than increasing
  • $b$b dilates(stretches) the graph by a factor of $\frac{1}{b}$1b from the $y$y-axis. Hence, the period becomes: $period=\frac{\pi}{b}$period=πb
  • When $b<0$b<0 the graph was reflected about the $y$y-axis
  • $c$c translates the graph $c$c units horizontally
  • $d$d translates the graph $d$d units vertically


Worked examples

Example 1

Illustrate change in dilation of the graph $y=\tan x$y=tanx by sketching the graphs of $y=\tan x$y=tanx together with $y=3\tan x$y=3tanx and $y=\frac{2}{7}\tan x$y=27tanx.

Think: Note that, since only a vertical dilation has been applied, all three graphs will share $x$x-intercepts and vertical asymptotes.

Do: We first sketch the base graph of $y=\tan x$y=tanx, shown in blue in the graph below. This graph will go through the points $\left(\frac{\pi}{4},1\right)$(π4,1)$\left(0,0\right)$(0,0) and $\left(\frac{-\pi}{4},-1\right)$(π4,1). The asymptotes will be located at $\frac{\pi}{2}$π2, $\frac{-\pi}{2}$π2, $\frac{3\pi}{2}$3π2, $\frac{-3\pi}{2}$3π2,....

The graph of $y=3\tan x$y=3tanx has a vertical dilation by a factor of $3$3. So we can plot the points $\left(\frac{\pi}{4},3\right)$(π4,3) and $\left(\frac{-\pi}{4},-3\right)$(π4,3) to show this stretch clearly. Similarly the graph $y=\frac{2}{7}\tan x$y=27tanx has a vertical dilation by a factor of $\frac{2}{7}$27. To show this, we can plot the points $\left(\frac{\pi}{4},\frac{2}{7}\right)$(π4,27) and $\left(\frac{-\pi}{4},\frac{-2}{7}\right)$(π4,27). The graphs together are shown below.




Example 2

Sketch the graph of $f(x)=\tan\left(x-\frac{\pi}{4}\right)$f(x)=tan(xπ4).

Think: What are the changes to the base graph $f(x)=\tan x$f(x)=tanx?

Do: We see that the function $\tan x$tanx has been moved to the right a distance $\frac{\pi}{4}$π4. We can sketch this by graphing the base graph of $y=\tan\theta$y=tanθ and shifting each point right by $\frac{\pi}{4}$π4.

The shift will also move the asymptotes and since $\tan x$tanx is undefined at $x=\frac{\pi}{2}+n\pi$x=π2+nπ for all integers $n$n, the undefined points for $\tan\left(x-\frac{\pi}{4}\right)$tan(xπ4) must be $x=\frac{3\pi}{4}+n\pi$x=3π4+nπ.  The graph is shown below in purple.


Practice questions

question 2

Consider the function $y=-4\tan\frac{1}{5}\left(x+\frac{\pi}{4}\right)$y=4tan15(x+π4).

  1. Determine the period of the function, giving your answer in radians.

  2. Determine the phase shift of the function, giving your answer in radians.

  3. Determine the range of the function.









question 3

The graph of $y=\tan x$y=tanx is shown below. On the same set of axes, draw the graph of $y=5\tan x$y=5tanx.

  1. Loading Graph...

question 4

Select all functions that have the same graph as $y=-\tan x$y=tanx.

  1. $y=-\tan\left(x+\frac{3\pi}{4}\right)$y=tan(x+3π4)








Sketching tips

It is possible to graph a tangent function by graphing the base function and then applying the transformations in stages to achieve the final sketch. Just as with sine and cosine functions, sketch the function using key features. The following steps may assist in sketching:

  1. Ensure the formula is in the required format, $y=a\tan\left(b\left(x-c\right)\right)+d$y=atan(b(xc))+d rearrange if necessary. Write down $a$a, $b$b, $c$c and $d$d.
  2. Sketch in a dotted line for $y=d$y=d. This is the central line where the points of inflection will lie. If the graph has not been vertically translated this will be the $x$x-axis.
  3. Plot the point $\left(c,d\right)$(c,d). This is where the point of inflection at the origin of $y=\tan x$y=tanx has been translated to.
  4.  Find the period: $P=\frac{\pi}{b}$P=πb .
  5. From the point $\left(c,d\right)$(c,d) draw dotted lines for the asymptotes half a period in both directions. That is at $x=c+\frac{P}{2}$x=c+P2 and  $x=c-\frac{P}{2}$x=cP2. Then at integer multiples of the period, $P$P, in each direction from these asymptotes until you have the required domain.
  6. To achieve a more accurate sketch and clearly show the dilation, plot the points $\left(c+\frac{P}{4},d+a\right)$(c+P4,d+a)  and $\left(c-\frac{P}{4},d-a\right)$(cP4,da) 
  7. Draw a smooth curve through your points and approaching the asymptotes.
  8. Repeat this smooth curve for each period.


Worked example

Example 3

Sketch the function $y=3\tan\left(2\left(x-\frac{\pi}{4}\right)\right)+1$y=3tan(2(xπ4))+1 for the interval $-\pi\le x\le\pi$πxπ

Think: What transformations would take $y=\tan x$y=tanx to $y=3\tan\left(2\left(x-\frac{\pi}{4}\right)\right)+1$y=3tan(2(xπ4))+1

  • We would dilate the graph by a factor of 3 from the $x$x-axis
  • We need to dilate the graph by a factor of $\frac{1}{2}$12 horizontally. Hence, the period becomes $\frac{\pi}{2}$π2.
  • We need to translate the graph by $1$1 unit vertically
  • We need to translate the graph by $\frac{\pi}{4}$π4 units horizontally

Do: List the parameters $a=3$a=3$b=2$b=2$c=\frac{\pi}{4}$c=π4 and $d=1$d=1. Sketch a dotted line for the central line $y=1$y=1 and plot the point $\left(c,d\right)=\left(\frac{\pi}{4},1\right)$(c,d)=(π4,1)

Find the period: $period=\frac{\pi}{b}$period=πb$=\frac{\pi}{2}$=π2 and draw dotted lines for the asymptotes half a period in both directions from the point $\left(\frac{\pi}{4},1\right)$(π4,1). Then repeat at multiples of the period from these lines.

From the point $\left(\frac{\pi}{4},1\right)$(π4,1) plot a point by going forwards $\frac{period}{4}$period4$=\frac{\pi}{8}$=π8 and up $a$a units ($3$3 units). Mirror this by plotting a second point backwards $\frac{\pi}{8}$π8 from $\left(\frac{\pi}{4},1\right)$(π4,1) and down $3$3 units.

Join the points with a smooth curve which also approaches the asymptotes. 

Lastly, repeat the pattern for each period.

Graph of $y=3\tan\left(2\left(x-\frac{\pi}{4}\right)\right)+1$y=3tan(2(xπ4))+1

Reflect: Does the graph match how it should look after transformations? Does its cycle repeat the correct number of times for the domain given?

Axis intercepts

The example above did not have a $y$y-intercept as there was an asymptote that coincided with the $y$y-axis. If this was not the case, it's possible to find the $y$y-intercept by evaluating the function at $x=0$x=0.

If it was required to label the $x$x-intercepts and there had been no vertical translation, these would be found at the points of inflection at $x=c+Pn$x=c+Pn, where $P$P in the period and $n$n is any integer. However, if as in the previous example, there was a vertical shift, then the $x$x-intercepts can be found with the assistance of technology or by solving the equation when $y=0$y=0. Solutions to such trigonometric equations will be explored later in this chapter. 

Practice questions

Question 5

Consider the function $y=-\tan x$y=tanx.

Use radians to answer the following questions, where appropriate.

  1. Determine the $y$y-intercept.

  2. How far apart are the asymptotes of the function?

  3. Hence determine the period of the function.

  4. State the first asymptote of the function for $x\ge0$x0.

  5. State the first asymptote of the function for $x\le0$x0.

  6. By moving the three given points, graph the function.

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Question 6

Consider the function $y=\tan\left(x-\frac{\pi}{2}\right)$y=tan(xπ2).

Answer the following questions in radians, where appropriate.

  1. Determine the $y$y-intercept.







    There is no $y$y-intercept.

  2. Determine the period of the function.

  3. How far apart are the asymptotes of the function?

  4. State the first asymptote of the function for $x>0$x>0.

  5. State the first asymptote of the function for $x\le0$x0.

  6. By moving the three given points, graph the function.

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Question 7

Consider the function $y=\tan4x-3$y=tan4x3.

Answer the following questions in radians, where appropriate.

  1. Determine the $y$y-intercept.

  2. Determine the period of the function.

  3. How far apart are the asymptotes of the function?

  4. State the first asymptote of the function for $x\ge0$x0.

  5. State the first asymptote of the function for $x\le0$x0.

  6. Graph the function.

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qualitative interpretation of features of graphs of functions, including those of real data not explicitly represented by a rule, with approximate location of any intercepts, stationary points and points of inflection


the effect of transformations of the plane, dilation, reflection in axes, translation and simple combinations of these transformations, on the graphs of functions


the unit circle, radians, arc length and sine, cosine and tangent as functions of a real variable


sketch by hand the unit circle, graphs of the sine, cosine and exponential functions, and simple transformations of these to the form Af(bx)+c , sketch by hand graphs of log_a(x) and the tangent function, and identify any vertical or horizontal asymptotes


symmetry properties, complementary relations and periodicity properties for sine, cosine and tangent functions


circular functions of the form y=Af(nx)+c and their graphs, where f is the sine, cosine or tangent function


the key features and properties of the circular functions sine, cosine and tangent, and their graphs, including any vertical asymptotes


draw graphs of circular, exponential and simple logarithmic functions over a given domain and identify and discuss key features and properties of these graphs, including any vertical or horizontal asymptotes


the effect of transformations of the plane on the graphs of sine, cosine, tangent and exponential functions


describe the effect of transformations of the plane on the graphs of the sine, cosine, tangent and exponential functions

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