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VCE 11 Methods 2023

8.03 Arc length


Recall the formulas for area and circumference of a circle:

Circle circumference and area

$\text{Circumference, C}=2\pi r$Circumference, C=2πr

$\text{Area, A}=\pi r^2$Area, A=πr2

Arc length

What if we don't have an entire circle?  

An arc is part of the circumference of the circle. The part connecting any two points on a circle will create a minor arc and a major arc as shown:

How is the length of an arc found?

If the arc was half of the circle the length would be half of the circumference.

$\text{Arc Length }$Arc Length $=$= $\frac{1}{2}\times2\pi r$12×2πr
  $=$=  $\frac{2\pi r}{2}$2πr2
  $=$= $\pi r$πr

To generalise this, it's necessary to know what fraction the sector is of a whole circle.  For this, the angle of the sector needs to be known.

If the angle of the sector is $\theta$θ degrees, then the fraction of the circle is represented by: 

$fraction=\frac{\theta}{360}$fraction=θ360 (due to there being $360$360° in a circle).

Hence, the arc length can be calculated using:

$\text{Arc length}=\frac{\theta}{360^\circ}\times2\pi r$Arc length=θ360°×2πr

What if the central angle is given in radians?

To change this to a formula for angles given in radians, substituting $360^\circ=2\pi$360°=2π gives:

Arc Length $=$= $\frac{\theta}{2\pi}\times2\pi r$θ2π×2πr
  $=$= $\frac{2\pi r\theta}{2\pi}$2πrθ2π
  $=$= $r\theta$rθ

Often, arc length is replaced by $l$l, giving $l=r\theta$l=rθ. This formula can also be found directly from the definition of radians as the ratio of the arc length divided by the radius.

Arc length

For $\theta$θ in degrees, Arc Length: $l=\frac{\theta}{360}\times2\pi r$l=θ360×2πr

For $\theta$θ in radians, Arc Length: $l=r\theta$l=rθ


A sector is a section of the circle defined by two lines from the centre to the circumference. It looks like a piece of pizza. However, there are different kinds of "slices."

minor sector has an angle at the centre of the circle of less than $180^\circ$180°. A major sector has an angle at the centre of the circle of more than $180^\circ$180°


Perimeter of a sector

The perimeter of a sector will be the arc length plus the two radii that form the edges of the shape. Carefully read questions to determine if the perimeter or only the arc length is required.

Perimeter of sectors

For $\theta$θ in degrees, Perimeter: $P=\frac{\theta}{360}\times2\pi r+2r$P=θ360×2πr+2r

For $\theta$θ in radians, Perimeter: $P=r\theta+2r$P=rθ+2r

Area of a sector

Similar to finding the length of an arc, the area of a sector is found by multiplying the area of a full circle by the appropriate fraction. 

Area of sectors

For $\theta$θ in degrees, Area: $A=\frac{\theta}{360}\times\pi r^2$A=θ360×πr2

For $\theta$θ in radians, Area: $A=\frac{\theta}{2\pi}\times\pi r^2$A=θ2π×πr2$=$=$\frac{1}{2}r^2\theta$12r2θ

Practice questions


Consider the sector below.

A sector of a circle with a central angle marked with $59^\circ$59°, as indicated by the shaded arc. The radius is labeled as 72.2 cm.


  1. Calculate the perimeter. Round your answer to two decimal places.

  2. Calculate the area. Round your answer to two decimal places.


A goat is tethered to a corner of a fenced field (shown). The rope is $9$9 m long. What area of the field can the goat graze over?

  1. Give your answer correct to two decimal places.

Question 3

The arc of a circle, radius $13$13 cm, subtends an angle of $\theta$θ radians at the centre of the circle, and measures $11.7$11.7 cm in length. Solve for $\theta$θ, the angle subtended at the centre.

  1. Write each line of working as an equation.


Area formula for non-right angled triangles

When we are using the lengths of 2 sides ($a$a and $b$b) and the angle between them $C$C.  

$\text{Area }=\frac{1}{2}\times\text{Side 1 }\times\text{Side 2 }\times\sin\theta$Area =12×Side 1 ×Side 2 ×sinθ.  

It really doesn't matter what you call the sides as long as you have two sides and the included angle. It's worth noting that we often label the sides with lower case letters, and the angles directly opposite the sides with a capital of the same letter. The formula is most commonly written as follows:  

Area rule (when the length of two sides and the included angle is known)

$Area=\frac{1}{2}ab\sin C$Area=12absinC

Where $a$a and $b$b are the known side lengths, and $C$C is the given angle between them, as per the diagram above.

Practice questions

Question 4

Calculate the area of the following triangle.

Round your answer to two decimal places.

A triangle is depicted with the measurements of its two sides and their included angle. The included angle, highlighted by a blue-shaded arc, measures $44^\circ$44° and is adjacent to sides measuring $3$3 m and $5.7$5.7 m.

Question 5

Calculate the area of the following triangle.

Round your answer to the nearest square centimetre.

A non-right-angled triangle with vertices labeled $P$P, $Q$Q, and $R$R. Angle $QPR$QPR measures 39 degrees, while angle $PQR$PQR measures 25 degrees. Side $QR$QR, which is opposite angle $QPR$QPR measures 33 $cm$cm. Side $PR$PR, which is opposite angle $PQR$PQR measures 22 $cm$cm.


Area segments

A segment is an region formed between a chord and an arc of the circle. Each chord produces two segments: a major segment (the larger area) and the minor segment (the smaller area).

To find the area of the minor segment we can combine our knowledge of area of sectors with our recently acquired area formula for triangles ($A=\frac{1}{2}ab\sin C$A=12absinC).

$\frac{1}{2}r^2\theta$12r2θ $\frac{1}{2}r^2\sin\theta$12r2sinθ $\frac{1}{2}r^2\theta-\frac{1}{2}r^2\sin\theta$12r2θ12r2sinθ


Area of segments

For a segment which subtends an angle $\theta$θ at the centre of a circle:

$\text{Area of segment}$Area of segment $=$= $\frac{1}{2}r^2\theta-\frac{1}{2}r^2\sin\theta$12r2θ12r2sinθ
  $=$= $\frac{1}{2}r^2\left(\theta-\sin\theta\right)$12r2(θsinθ)

Reflect: Can you create a formula for finding the area of a segment for angles given in degrees?

How do we find the area of a major segment? In fact, the formula above will still hold. Let's see why.

The area of a major segment is just the area of the major sector, which subtends angle $\theta$θplus the area of a triangle with angle $2\pi-\theta$2πθ.

$\frac{1}{2}r^2\theta$12r2θ $\frac{1}{2}r^2\sin\left(2\pi-\theta\right)$12r2sin(2πθ) $\frac{1}{2}r^2\theta+\frac{1}{2}r^2\sin\left(2\pi-\theta\right)$12r2θ+12r2sin(2πθ)

However, since $\sin\left(2\pi-\theta\right)=-\sin\theta$sin(2πθ)=sinθ, from the symmetry of the sine function, this is the same as our original formula:

$\text{Area of segment}$Area of segment $=$= $\frac{1}{2}r^2\theta+\frac{1}{2}r^2\sin\left(2\pi-\theta\right)$12r2θ+12r2sin(2πθ)
  $=$= $\frac{1}{2}r^2\theta-\frac{1}{2}r^2\sin\theta$12r2θ12r2sinθ
  $=$= $\frac{1}{2}r^2\left(\theta-\sin\theta\right)$12r2(θsinθ)
Hence, no matter what $\theta$θ is, we can use this formula to figure out the area of the segment that subtends $\theta$θ.


Alternatively, if we have already calculated the area of the minor segment we can subtract this from the area of the circle to find the area of the corresponding major segment.

$\pi r^2$πr2 $\frac{1}{2}r^2\left(\theta-\sin\theta\right)$12r2(θsinθ) $\pi r^2-\frac{1}{2}r^2\left(\theta-\sin\theta\right)$πr212r2(θsinθ)

Practice questions

Question 6

The diagram shows a circle with radius $8$8 units, and chord $AB$AB subtending an angle of $\frac{\pi}{3}$π3 radians at the centre.

Find the exact area of the minor segment cut off by chord $AB$AB. Fully simplify your answer.

Question 7

In the diagram, $O$O is the centre of the circle, and sector $OAB$OAB takes up $\frac{4}{9}$49 of the circle.

Find the area of the minor segment cut off by chord $AB$AB correct to one decimal place.

Question 8

Consider a circle with centre $O$O and a chord $AB$AB subtended by an angle of $\theta$θ radians at the centre. The radius is $30$30 cm and the area of sector $OAB$OAB is $75\pi$75π cm2.

  1. Solve for $\theta$θ, the angle at the centre.

  2. Find the area of the minor segment cut off by chord $AB$AB.

  3. Find the area of the major segment cut off by chord $AB$AB.

  4. Determine the exact ratio of the area of the major segment to the area of the minor segment.



the unit circle, radians, arc length and sine, cosine and tangent as functions of a real variable

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