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VCE 11 Methods 2023

7.06 Exponential models


Exponential growth and decay models arise in many real-world situations. Here is the base function, its appearance and some real-world examples:

Growth Decay


  • Balance of an investment earning compound interest
  • Population growth
  • Growth of cells
  • Spread of a disease in a pandemic


  • Population decline of a threatened species 
  • Radioactive decay
  • Cooling of a liquid 
  • Depreciation of a car

The base model for growth and decay is $y=A_0b^x$y=A0bx, where $A_0$A0 is the initial amount. When the multiplier $b$b is larger than one, this is a growth situation. When the multiplier $b$b is between zero and one, this is a decay situation.

The models above have been drawn for $x\ge0$x0, as most models will have a horizontal axis representing time and start at an initial time of zero. However, read questions carefully as this may not always be the case.

Notation: The variables $y$y and $x$x may change to highlight the variables in the model. Function notation is common such as $P(t)=3000\left(1.05\right)^t$P(t)=3000(1.05)t, to indicate the population as a function of time. Another common notation is sequence notation, such as $H_n=3(0.65)^n$Hn=3(0.65)n, where $n$n indicates the number of times the multiplier has been applied. For example $H_3$H3 may indicate the rebound height of a ball after $3$3 bounces. Sequence notation is particularly common for situations where $n$n can only take on integer values.

Let's look at some examples more closely and how the formula arises in practical situations.


Growth applications

An amount of $\$5000$$5000 is invested at $6%$6%p.a. compounded annually. Let's create a table of the balance of the account and try to generalise the findings.

Increasing an amount $A$A by $6%$6%, we require $106%$106% of the amount which is equivalent to multiplying by $1.06$1.06. This can be thought of in any of the following ways: $A\left(106%\right)=A\left(1+\frac{6}{100}\right)=A\left(1+0.06\right)$A(106%)=A(1+6100)=A(1+0.06).

The amount $6%$6% is referred to the rate of growth of the investment.

In this problem, the factor must be applied each successive year as illustrated in this table:

Year Calculation Balance Pattern
$0$0 $5000$5000 $\$5000$$5000 $5000$5000
$1$1 $5000\left(1.06\right)$5000(1.06) $\$5300$$5300 $5000\left(1.06\right)^1$5000(1.06)1
$2$2 $5000\left(1.06\right)\left(1.06\right)$5000(1.06)(1.06) $\$5618$$5618 $5000\left(1.06\right)^2$5000(1.06)2
$3$3 $5000\left(1.06\right)\left(1.06\right)\left(1.06\right)$5000(1.06)(1.06)(1.06) $\$5955.08$$5955.08 $5000\left(1.06\right)^3$5000(1.06)3
$4$4 $5000\left(1.06\right)\left(1.06\right)\left(1.06\right)\left(1.06\right)$5000(1.06)(1.06)(1.06)(1.06) $\$6312.38$$6312.38 $5000\left(1.06\right)^4$5000(1.06)4

See that the balance grows exponentially, the interest paid increases each year as the interest from the previous year becomes part of the current balance. The pattern becomes clear, after $n$n years the principal  amount of $\$5000$$5000 will have the future value given by $A_n=5000\left(1.06\right)^n$An=5000(1.06)n

The general form for exponential growth is $A_n=A_0b^n$An=A0bn, where here $A_n$An is the amount in the account at the end of the $n^{th}$nth year and $A_0$A0 is the principal (or initial) amount. 

Given the initial amount, $A_0$A0, and rate of increase, $r$r, another useful form of a growth model is:



Worked example

Example 1

Sarah buys a piece of artwork for $\$1500$$1500 that is expected to appreciate (increase in value) by $8%$8% each year.

a) Find a model for $V_n$Vn, the value of the artwork after $n$n years.

Think: Identify the initial amount and rate of increase and use appropriate variables in the formula $y=A_0\left(1+r\right)^x$y=A0(1+r)x

Do: $A_0=\$1500$A0=$1500$r=8%$r=8%, hence: $V_n=1500\left(1+\frac{8}{100}\right)^n$Vn=1500(1+8100)n or $V_n=1500\left(1.08\right)^n$Vn=1500(1.08)n

b) Find the estimated value of the artwork in $6$6 years' time, to the nearest cent.

Substitute $n=6$n=6 into the model and round to $2$2 decimal places.

$V_6$V6 $=$= $1500\left(1.08\right)^6$1500(1.08)6
  $\approx$ $\$2380.31$$2380.31


Rate of increase

From an equation of the form $y=A_0b^x$y=A0bx, we can find the percentage rate of increase in $y$y for each unit of $x$x by: 

$\text{Rate of increase}=\left(b-1\right)\times100%$Rate of increase=(b1)×100%


Worked example

Example 2

The population of foxes, $P$P, in a specified area, $t$t years after observation began, is modelled by the equation: $P\left(t\right)=300\left(1.25\right)^t$P(t)=300(1.25)t.

a) How many foxes are there initially?

The initial population is given by the number out the front. 300 foxes. We could also confirm this by substituting $t=0$t=0 (for the initial time) into the equation: 

$P(0)$P(0) $=$= $300\left(1.25\right)^0$300(1.25)0
  $=$= $300\times1$300×1
  $=$= $300$300 foxes

b) Approximately how many foxes are there after $5$5 years?

Substitute $t=5$t=5 into the equation and round the final answer to the nearest fox.

$P(5)$P(5) $=$= $300\left(1.25\right)^5$300(1.25)5
  $\approx$ $916$916 foxes

c) At what rate does the model suggest the population is increasing at per year?

We are multiplying by $1.25$1.25, this is equivalent to $125%$125%, so we are increasing by $25%$25% each year. This can also be found by the formula:

$\text{Rate of increase}$Rate of increase $=$= $\left(b-1\right)\times100%$(b1)×100%
  $=$= $\left(1.25-1\right)\times100%$(1.251)×100%
  $=$= $25%$25%


Practice questions

Question 1

Consider the function $y=0.68\left(1.6\right)^x$y=0.68(1.6)x.

  1. Identify what type of function this is:

    Exponential growth


    Exponential decay

  2. What is the rate of growth?

Question 2

Luigi purchased a sculpture for $\$2900$$2900, and it is expected to increase in value by $9%$9% per year.

  1. Write a function $y$y to represent the value of the sculpture after $x$x years.

  2. Find the value of the sculpture after $8$8 years, rounding to the nearest cent.


Decay applications

A particular sports convertible costs $\$48000$$48000 and its value depreciates (which means to lose value) at a rate of $18%$18% per year.

To find the car's value after $1$1 year we can find $18%$18% of $\$48000$$48000 and then subtract it. Alternatively, after losing $18%$18% it might be of interest the value of the remaining $82%$82%. So, after $1$1 year the car will be worth:

$V_1$V1 $=$= $\$48000\times0.82$$48000×0.82
  $=$= $\$39360$$39360

After the second year, the value of the car will a drop by $18%$18% of $\$39360$$39360.  Apply the multiplier of $0.82$0.82 once again and find the value after $2$2 years:

$V_2$V2 $=$= $\$48000\times0.82\times0.82$$48000×0.82×0.82
  $=$= $\$48000\left(0.82\right)^2$$48000(0.82)2
  $=$= $\$32275.20$$32275.20

Notice that the value of the car decreases exponentially since, as the value decreases, the $18%$18% reduction becomes smaller. That is, the value decreases more slowly as time passes. The pattern is very similar to the exponential growth case but with a multiplier between zero and one. After $n$n years the initial car value of $\$48000$$48000 will have decreased to a future value given by $V_n=48000\left(0.82\right)^n$Vn=48000(0.82)n

The general form for exponential decay is $V_n=A_0b^n$Vn=A0bn, where here $V_n$Vn is the value at the end of the $n^{th}$nth year and $A_0$A0 is the principal(or initial) amount. 

Given the initial amount, $A_0$A0, and rate of decrease, $r$r, another useful form of a decay model is:



Worked example

Example 3

A combine harvester bought for a farm for $\$420000$$420000 and depreciates at a rate of $21%$21%.

a) Find a model for $V_n$Vn, the value of the harvester after $n$n years.

Think: Identify the initial amount and rate of decrease and use appropriate variables in the formula $y=A_0\left(1-r\right)^x$y=A0(1r)x

Do: $A_0=\$420000$A0=$420000$r=21%$r=21%, hence: $V_n=420000\left(1-\frac{21}{100}\right)^n$Vn=420000(121100)n or $V_n=48000\left(0.79\right)^n$Vn=48000(0.79)n

b) Find the estimated value of the harvester in $3$3 years' time, to the nearest cent.

Substitute $n=3$n=3 into the model and round to $2$2 decimal places.

$V_3$V3 $=$= $48000\left(0.79\right)^3$48000(0.79)3
  $\approx$ $\$207076.38$$207076.38


Rate of decrease

From an equation of the form $y=A_0b^x$y=A0bx, it is possible to find the percentage rate of decrease in $y$y for each unit of $x$x by: 

$\text{Rate of decrease}=\left(1-b\right)\times100%$Rate of decrease=(1b)×100%


Worked example

Example 4

The population of Tasmanian devils is declining due to disease. A model for the population, $P$P, in a specified area, $t$t years after observation began, is modelled by the equation: $P\left(t\right)=800\left(0.85\right)^t$P(t)=800(0.85)t.

a) How many devils are there initially?

The initial population is given by the number out the front: 800 devils.

b) At what rate does the model suggest the population is decreasing at per year?

We are multiplying by $0.85$0.85, this is equivalent to $85%$85%, so we are decreasing by $15%$15% each year. This can also be found by the formula:

$\text{Rate of increase}$Rate of increase $=$= $\left(1-b\right)\times100%$(1b)×100%
  $=$= $\left(1-0.85\right)\times100%$(10.85)×100%
  $=$= $15%$15%


Practice questions

Question 3

Consider the function $f\left(t\right)=\frac{8}{7}\left(\frac{3}{8}\right)^t$f(t)=87(38)t, where $t$t represents time.

  1. What is the initial value of the function?

  2. Express the function in the form $f\left(t\right)=\frac{8}{7}\left(1-r\right)^t$f(t)=87(1r)t, where $r$r is a decimal.

  3. Does the function represent growth or decay of an amount over time?




  4. What is the rate of decay per time period? Give the rate as a percentage.

Question 4

A ball dropped from a height of $24$24 metres will bounce back off the ground to $60%$60% of the height of the previous bounce (or the height from which it is dropped when considering the first bounce).

  1. Write a function, $y$y, to represent the height of the $n$nth bounce.

  2. Find the height of the fifth bounce. Give your answer correct to two decimal places.


Solving for the exponent

In many cases, it may be useful to know when a population or investment will reach a certain level. In example $4$4 above, perhaps it's required to know when the population in the area is predicted to reach a critical level of $200$200 remaining devils. This would be found by solving the equation $200=800\left(0.85\right)^t$200=800(0.85)t. Dividing both sides by $800$800 gives $\left(\frac{1}{4}=\left(0.85\right)^t\right)$(14=(0.85)t), and solving for $t$t is equivalent to finding how many times to multiply $0.85$0.85 by itself to get $\frac{1}{4}$14. By trial and error, notice that $t$t must be between $8$8 and $9$9 since $0.85^8\approx0.272$0.8580.272 and $0.85^9\approx0.232$0.8590.232. Is it possible to find $t$t more accurately?

This chapter has a focus on creating and applying exponential models, and using technology to solve problems of this type. Technology can be used to solve this problem by graphing both sides of the equation and finding the $x$x-coordinate of the point of intersection. That is, graph $y_1=800\left(0.85\right)^t$y1=800(0.85)t and $y_2=200$y2=200. This will provide a nice visualisation of the problem. Use your knowledge of exponential functions and a practical domain to obtain an appropriate view window.

From the graph,  the model predicts that the population will reach a critical level in approximately $8.53$8.53 years' time. This problem can also be solved using an equation solver function in the calculator. 


Practice question

Question 5

The number of members at the local club is expected to increase by $19%$19% per year from the current number of $160$160. The manager of the club is set to receive a bonus when the number of members rises above $727$727.

  1. Write a function, $y$y, to represent the number of members after $t$t years.

  2. Find $n$n, the number of whole years it takes for the number of members at the club to first rise above $727$727.


Finding equations in different forms

Depending on the information provided, it may be more convenient to write a model in a particular form. 

Is there enough information to write models for the following?

  • Find a model for the value of an investment after $n$n years, given an initial investment of $\$2000$$2000 and a rate of $5%$5% p.a. compounded monthly.
  • Starting with an initial amount of $300$300 g. Find a model for the amount of an isotope remaining after $t$t years if it has a half-life of $6$6 years. 
  • Find a model for a population of bacteria after $t$t hours, which starts with $500$500 and triples every $4$4 hours.


Let's look at each case separately.


Worked examples

Example 5 

Find a model for the value of an investment after $n$n years, given an initial investment of $\$2000$$2000 and a rate of $5%$5% p.a. compounded monthly.

If we were given the monthly rate then the model for the value after $t$t months would be: $A\left(t\right)=2000\left(1+r\right)^t$A(t)=2000(1+r)t

However, we have the annual rate and want the value after each year. Hence, we need to change the rate to a monthly rate by dividing by $12$12 and for each year this multiplier would be applied $12$12 times. So our new model becomes: $A\left(n\right)=2000\left(1+\frac{0.05}{12}\right)^{12n}$A(n)=2000(1+0.0512)12n, where $n$n is in years.

In general, a model for the future value, $A$A, of a principal investment of $P$P, after $n$n years at a rate of $r$r p.a. compounded $k$k times per year is:


Example 6

Starting with an initial amount of $300$300 g. Find a model for the amount of an isotope remaining after $t$t years if it has a half-life of $6$6 years. 

Half-life, as the name suggests, is the time taken for a quantity to reduce to half its original amount. The term is commonly used in physics to describe how stable or unstable atoms are. We want a model that is going to have a multiplier of $\frac{1}{2}$12 every $6$6 years. To create this model we have an initial amount and multiplier but need to change the index so that it will increase by $1$1 every $6$6 years. Hence, make the index $\frac{t}{6}$t6 where $t$t is time in years. So our model is:


Example 7

Find a model for a population of bacteria after $t$t hours, which starts with $500$500 and triples every $4$4 hours.

Similar to example $6$6 above but this time our multiplier is $3$3 and this needs to apply every $4$4 hours. Hence, our model is:



Extracting rates for different time periods

The examples above provided models that can be used to find the future values, but the rate per time period was obscured. For instance, in Worked Example $7$7 the population was tripling every $4$4 hours but what was the rate of change per hour? Index laws can be used to rewrite the model so that it is in the form $y=A_0b^x$y=A0bx and then the rate from the value of $b$b can be found. Let's look at a couple of concrete examples.

Worked examples

Example 8

What is the hourly rate of change for the population of bacteria from example $7$7, where the model is given by: $P\left(t\right)=500\left(3\right)^{\frac{t}{4}}$P(t)=500(3)t4

Using index laws we can rewrite the formula as follows:

$P\left(t\right)$P(t) $=$= $500\left(3\right)^{\frac{t}{4}}$500(3)t4
  $=$= $500\left(\left(3\right)^{\frac{1}{4}}\right)^t$500((3)14)t
  $\approx$ $500\left(1.316\right)^t$500(1.316)t

Hence, the population is growing at an approximate rate of $\left(b-1\right)\times100%=31.6%$(b1)×100%=31.6% per hour.

Example 9

Find the effective annual rate of the following two investments and hence, identify which one gives a higher return.

Option A: $5.2%$5.2% p.a. compounded monthly or Option B: $5.18%$5.18% p.a. compounded weekly

An effective annualised rate takes into account the additional compounding payments. For both of these models the effective annual rate will be slightly higher than the stated rate but without calculating these it is hard to tell which investment will have a higher effective return. While option A looks like a higher rate of Option B compounds more regularly.

The model for Option A is $A_n=P\left(1+\frac{0.052}{12}\right)^{12n}$An=P(1+0.05212)12n, which can be rewritten as:

$A_n$An $=$= $P\left(1+\frac{0.052}{12}\right)^{12n}$P(1+0.05212)12n
  $=$= $P\left(\left(1+\frac{0.052}{12}\right)^{12}\right)^n$P((1+0.05212)12)n
  $\approx$ $P\left(1.0533\right)^n$P(1.0533)n

 Hence, Option A has an effective rate of approximately $5.33%$5.33% p.a..

The model for Option B is $A_n=P\left(1+\frac{0.0518}{52}\right)^{52n}$An=P(1+0.051852)52n, which can be rewritten as:

$A_n$An $=$= $P\left(1+\frac{0.0518}{12}\right)^{52n}$P(1+0.051812)52n
  $=$= $P\left(\left(1+\frac{0.0518}{52}\right)^{52}\right)^n$P((1+0.051852)52)n
  $\approx$ $P\left(1.0531\right)^n$P(1.0531)n

 Hence, Option B has an effective rate of approximately $5.31%$5.31% p.a..

Thus, Option A has a slightly better effective annual rate.

Example 10

A population is decreasing according to the following model: $P\left(t\right)=5000\left(0.8\right)^t$P(t)=5000(0.8)t, where $t$t is in years. What is the monthly rate of change for the population?

Using our index laws we need to adjust the time frame to be in months, we do this as follows:

$P\left(t\right)$P(t) $=$= $5000\left(0.8\right)^t$5000(0.8)t
  $=$= $5000\left(\left(0.8\right)^{\frac{1}{12}}\right)^{12t}$5000((0.8)112)12t
  $\approx$ $5000\left(0.982\right)^{12t}$5000(0.982)12t

Hence, if $n$n is in months the model would be $P\left(t\right)=5000\left(0.982\right)^n$P(t)=5000(0.982)n, which shows the population is decreasing at approximately $\left(1-b\right)\times100%=1.8%$(1b)×100%=1.8% per month.


Practice questions

Question 6

A sample contains $300$300 grams of carbon-11, which has a half-life of $20$20 minutes.

  1. Write an expression for $A$A to represent the amount of carbon-11 remaining in the sample after $t$t minutes.

  2. Find how much of the isotope would be left after $3$3 hours. Give your answer correct to two decimal places.

Question 7

The population of a particular mining town increased $160%$160% in $9$9 years, from $5100$5100 in 2004 to $13260$13260 in 2013. Assuming that the population increased at a constant annual rate, answer the following.

  1. Find an expression for $A$A, the size of the population $y$y years after 2004. Write the expression such that it includes the annual rate of growth, correct to four decimal places.

  2. Hence state the annual rate of growth. Give the rate as a percentage correct to two decimal places.

Question 8

Starting at $k$k grams, the amount of radium-226 in a sample after $\frac{t}{1602}$t1602 years is given by $A=k\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{\frac{t}{1602}}$A=k(12)t1602.

  1. Create a model in terms of $t$t such that it represents the amount of the isotope remaining after $t$t years. That is, rewrite the equation in the form $A=P\left(1-r\right)^t$A=P(1r)t, where $r$r is the annual decay rate correct to four decimal places.

  2. What is the annual decay rate? Give the rate as a percentage correct to two decimal places.



simple applications of exponential functions of the above form, with examples from various modelling contexts, and the interpretation of initial value, rate of growth or decay, half-life, doubling time and long run value in these contexts and their relationship to the parameters A, k and c .


recognise characteristics of data which suggest that a circular or exponential function is an appropriate model for the data

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