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VCE 11 Methods 2023

7.05 Transformations of exponential functions


Recall from studying the transformations of functions, the impact that the parameters $A$A$b$b$h$h and $k$k have on the graph of $y=Af\left(b\left(x-h\right)\right)+k$y=Af(b(xh))+k are as follows:


To obtain the graph of $y=Af\left(b\left(x-h\right)\right)+k$y=Af(b(xh))+k from the graph of $y=f\left(x\right)$y=f(x):

  • $A$A dilates(stretches) the graph by a factor of $A$A from the $x$x-axis 
  • When $A<0$A<0 the graph was reflected about the $x$x-axis
  • $b$b dilates(stretches) the graph by a factor of $\frac{1}{b}$1b from the $y$y-axis 
  • When $b<0$b<0 the graph was reflected about the $y$y-axis
  • $h$h translates the graph $h$h units horizontally to the right.
  • $k$k translates the graph $k$k units vertically up.

Let's look at these more closely in relation to the graphs $f(x)=a^x$f(x)=ax and $f\left(x\right)=A\times a^{b\left(x-h\right)}+k$f(x)=A×ab(xh)+k and the impact the parameters have on the key features. Use the applet below to observe the impact of $A$A$b$b$h$h and $k$k for a particular $a$a value:

Did the parameters have the expected effect? Importantly, note that the vertical translation by $k$k units causes the horizontal asymptote to become $y=k$y=k.


Worked examples

Example 1

Sketch the graph of $y=3^x+1$y=3x+1.

Think: What does the base graph of $y=3^x$y=3x look like? And what transformations would take $y=3^x$y=3x to $y=3^x+1$y=3x+1?

$y=3^x$y=3x is an increasing function with $y$y-intercept $\left(0,1\right)$(0,1), goes through the point $\left(1,3\right)$(1,3) and has a horizontal asymptote $y=0$y=0. To transform this graph we need to translate the graph $4$4 units up.

Do: Shifting the graph up four units the points become $\left(0,5\right)$(0,5) and $\left(1,7\right)$(1,7) and the horizontal asymptote is shifted to $y=4$y=4.

Sketch a dotted line for the asymptote, plot our two points $\left(0,5\right)$(0,5) and $\left(1,7\right)$(1,7) (you can plot more points to obtain a more accurate sketch or to give you confidence in the shape of the graph). Draw a smooth increasing curve through these points and approaching the asymptote to the left.

Example 2

a) Sketch the graph of $y=2^{x+3}$y=2x+3.

Think: What does the base graph of $y=2^x$y=2x look like? And what transformations would take $y=2^x$y=2x to $y=2^{x+3}$y=2x+3?

$y=2^x$y=2x is an increasing function with $y$y-intercept $\left(0,1\right)$(0,1), goes through the point $\left(1,2\right)$(1,2) and has a horizontal asymptote $y=0$y=0. To transform this graph we need to translate the graph $3$3 units to the left.

Do: Shifting the graph left three units the points become $\left(-3,1\right)$(3,1) and $\left(-2,2\right)$(2,2) and the horizontal asymptote remains at $y=0$y=0.

Sketch a dotted line for the asymptote, plot our two points $\left(-3,1\right)$(3,1) and $\left(-2,2\right)$(2,2). Let's also find the $y$y-intercept: when $x=0$x=0, $y=2^{\left(0+3\right)}=8$y=2(0+3)=8, thus the $y$y-intercept is $\left(0,8\right)$(0,8). Each point will move three units to the left, additional points can be sketched to have a more accurate shape for the graph. For example, $\left(4,16\right)$(4,16) becomes $\left(1,16\right)$(1,16). Draw a smooth increasing curve through these points and approaching the asymptote to the left.

b) Using index laws rewrite the function in the form $y=A\times2^x$y=A×2x.

Think: Recall our index law $a^{m+n}=a^m\times a^n$am+n=am×an and use it here to split the term $2^{x+3}$2x+3.


$y$y $=$= $2^{x+3}$2x+3
  $=$= $2^x\times2^3$2x×23
  $=$= $8\times2^x$8×2x


Reflect: This means that the horizontal translation in this example is equivalent to a vertical dilation by a factor of $8$8. Look back at the graph and confirm this. If required we could always use our index laws to rewrite a horizontal translation as a vertical dilation.

Example 3

Sketch the graph of $y=3\times2^x+1$y=3×2x+1.

Think: What does the base graph of $y=2^x$y=2x look like? And what transformations would take $y=2^x$y=2x to $y=3\times2^x+1$y=3×2x+1?

$y=2^x$y=2x is an increasing function with $y$y-intercept $\left(0,1\right)$(0,1), goes through the point $\left(1,2\right)$(1,2) and has a horizontal asymptote $y=0$y=0. To transform this graph we need to dilate the graph vertically by a factor of three and then translate the graph $1$1unit up.

Do: Stretching the y-coordinates of the graph by a factor of three we would have the points $\left(0,3\right)$(0,3) and $\left(1,6\right)$(1,6). Then shifting the graph up one unit the points become $\left(0,4\right)$(0,4) and $\left(1,7\right)$(1,7) and the horizontal asymptote is shifted to $y=1$y=1.

Sketch a dotted line for the asymptote, plot our two points $\left(0,4\right)$(0,4) and $\left(1,7\right)$(1,7) (you can plot more points to obtain a more accurate sketch or to give you confidence in the shape of the graph). Draw a smooth increasing curve through these points and approaching the asymptote to the left.

Example 4

Sketch the graph of $y=-2\times3^{x+2}$y=2×3x+2.

Think: What does the base graph of $y=3^x$y=3x look like? And what transformations would take $y=3^x$y=3x to $y=-2\times3^{x+2}$y=2×3x+2?

$y=3^x$y=3x is an increasing function with $y$y-intercept $\left(0,1\right)$(0,1), goes through the point $\left(1,3\right)$(1,3) and has a horizontal asymptote $y=0$y=0. To transform this graph we need to dilate the graph vertically by a factor of two, reflect the graph across the $x$x-axis and then translate the graph $2$2 units to the left.

Do: Stretching the $y$y-coordinates of the graph by a factor of two and reflecting we would obtain the points $\left(0,-2\right)$(0,2) and $\left(1,-6\right)$(1,6). Then shifting the graph left two units the points become $\left(-2,-2\right)$(2,2) and $\left(-1,-6\right)$(1,6) and the horizontal asymptote remains at $y=0$y=0.

Sketch a dotted line for the asymptote, plot our two points $\left(-2,-2\right)$(2,2) and $\left(-1,-6\right)$(1,6). Let's also find the $y$y-intercept: when $x=0$x=0, $y=-2\times3^2=-18$y=2×32=18, thus the $y$y-intercept is $\left(0,-18\right)$(0,18). Draw a smooth decreasing curve through these points and approaching the asymptote to the left.

Example 5

Sketch the graph of $y=2^{-3x}+4$y=23x+4.

Think: When dealing with a $b$b value that is not $1$1 or $-1$1 we can approach the situation in either of the following ways:

  • We could consider this a horizontal dilation of the base graph $y=2^{-x}$y=2x by a factor of $\frac{1}{3}$13
  • Or we could use our index laws to rewrite $y=2^{-3x}$y=23x as $y=\left(2^3\right)^{-x}=8^{-x}$y=(23)x=8x, and then consider transformations on the base graph of $y=8^{-x}$y=8x

We can in fact always use index laws to remove the need to deal with horizontal dilations or translations.

Let's use our second option here and consider our base graph $y=8^{-x}$y=8x. This is a decreasing function with $y$y-intercept $\left(0,1\right)$(0,1), goes through the point $\left(-1,8\right)$(1,8) and has a horizontal asymptote $y=0$y=0. To transform this graph we need to translate the graph $4$4 units up.

Do: Translating the points and asymptote we obtain $\left(0,5\right)$(0,5) and $\left(-1,12\right)$(1,12) and horizontal asymptote of $y=4$y=4.

Sketch a dotted line for the asymptote, plot our two points $\left(0,5\right)$(0,5) and $\left(-1,12\right)$(1,12). Draw a smooth decreasing curve through these points and approaching the asymptote to the right.

Note: The examples above did not contain an $x$x-intercept but a graph such as $y=3\times2^x-12$y=3×2x12 would. If required to label an $x$x-intercept we can solve for $y=0$y=0 in some cases. For instance, if we can rearrange the equation such that both sides are written with the same base. We will look more thoroughly at solving these types of equations in the last lesson of this chapter. To solve more complex cases for the time being we will use technology to help us find the $x$x-intercepts.

Example 6

Find the $x$x-intercept of $y=3\times2^x-12$y=3×2x12.

Think: Let $y=0$y=0 and rearrange the equation to $2^x=...$2x=.... Then check if both sides of the equation can be written as a power of $2$2.


$3\times2^x-12$3×2x12 $=$= $0$0
$3\times2^x$3×2x $=$= $12$12
$2^x$2x $=$= $4$4

Then since both sides can be written as a power of two we can equate the powers:

$2^x$2x $=$= $2^2$22
Therefore, $x$x $=$= $2$2

So the $x$x-intercept is $\left(2,0\right)$(2,0).


Practice questions

Question 1

Of the two functions $y=2^x$y=2x and $y=4\times2^x$y=4×2x, which is increasing more rapidly for $x>0$x>0?

  1. $y=2^x$y=2x




Question 2

Answer the following.

  1. Determine the $y$y-intercept of $y=2^x$y=2x.

  2. Hence or otherwise determine the $y$y-intercept of $y=2^x-2$y=2x2.

  3. Determine the horizontal asymptote of $y=2^x$y=2x.

  4. Hence or otherwise determine the horizontal asymptote of $y=2^x-2$y=2x2.

Question 3

Consider the graph of $y=-3^x$y=3x.


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A Cartesian coordinate plane with axes ranging from -5 to 5 on both the $x$x (horizontal) and $y$y (vertical) axes. A bold black curve of $y=-3^x$y=3x is plotted. From the left side, the curve has an asymptote as $y$y approaches $0$0 from the bottom of the $x$x axis for smaller values of $x$x. Moving to the right the curve crosses the $y$y-axis at $-1$1. Moving further to the right the $y$y-value of the curve decreases in value exponentially in the 4th quadrant as $x$x increases. 
  1. State the equation of the asymptote of $y=-3^x$y=3x.

  2. What would be the asymptote of $y=2-3^x$y=23x?

  3. How many $x$x-intercepts would $y=2-3^x$y=23x have?

  4. What is the domain of $y=2-3^x$y=23x?







    All real $x$x

  5. What is the range of $y=2-3^x$y=23x?

Question 4

Consider the function $y=2^{x-2}$y=2x2.

  1. Find the $y$y-value of the $y$y-intercept of the curve.

  2. Fill in the table of values for $y=2^{x-2}$y=2x2.

    $x$x $-3$3 $-2$2 $-1$1 $0$0 $1$1 $2$2 $3$3
    $y$y $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$
  3. Find the horizontal asymptote of the curve.

  4. By referring to your previous answers, which of these is the graph of $y=2^{x-2}$y=2x2?

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the effect of transformations of the plane, dilation, reflection in axes, translation and simple combinations of these transformations, on the graphs of functions


describe the effect of transformations on the graphs of relations and functions


representations of points and transformations


transformations of the plane and application to basic functions and relations by simple combinations of dilations (students should be familiar with both ‘parallel to an axis’ and ‘from an axis’ descriptions), reflections in an axis and translations (matrix representation may be used but is not required)


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the effect of transformations of the plane on the graphs of sine, cosine, tangent and exponential functions


describe the effect of transformations of the plane on the graphs of the sine, cosine, tangent and exponential functions


exponential functions of the form f(x)=A a^(kx) + c and their graphs

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