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VCE 11 Methods 2023

4.04 Hyperbolas


Directly versus inversely proportional

Two variables are directly proportional if one can be expressed as a constant multiple of the other. That is, given $y$y is directly proportional to $x$x, which can be written as $y\propto x$yx, then $y=kx$y=kx, for some non-zero constant $k$k. This constant is called the constant of proportionality. This is a linear relationship with a gradient of $k$k and a $y$y-intercept of $0$0. Some examples of this were discussed when looking at linear functions.  The following sections explore the concept of inverse proportion.

Two variables are inversely proportional if one is proportional to the inverse of the other. That is, given $y$y is inversely proportional to $x$x, which can be written as $y\propto\frac{1}{x}$y1x, then $y=\frac{k}{x}$y=kx, for some non-zero constant $k$k. This gives two features for determining if a relationship is inversely proportional. Firstly, as one variable increases, the other must decrease. Secondly, rearranging the equation we can see that $x\times y$x×y will always give us the constant of proportionality $k$k

Inverse proportionality

We can express inversely proportional relationships generally in the form


where $k$k is the constant of proportionality and $x$x and $y$y are any variables.


Worked example

The table below shows the travel time to a destination $240$240 km away given a speed.

Speed ($x$x, km/h) $40$40 $60$60 $80$80 $120$120
Travel time ($y$y, h) $6$6 $4$4 $3$3 $2$2

Are the variables $x$x and $y$y inversely proportional? If so, find an equation relating the two variables.

Think: As one variable increases, does the other decrease? Does $x\times y$x×y always give the same answer?

Do: As the speed increases, does the travel time decrease? Yes.

For each pair $\left(x,y\right)$(x,y) in the table find $x\times y$x×y. Here we have $40\times6=60\times4=80\times3=120\times2=240$40×6=60×4=80×3=120×2=240. So yes, all pairs give us the constant of proportionality $k=240$k=240, in this situation this represents the distance to the destination.

We have found the two variables are inversely proportional and in doing so, we have also found the constant of proportionality. Hence, the equation relating the two variables is $y=\frac{240}{x}$y=240x.  

Reflect: What happens as $x$x gets very big? Can the travel time ever be zero? What are the limitations of this relationship? What does the graph of this relationship look like?


Practice question

Question 1

Consider the values in each table. Which two of them could represent an inversely proportional relationship between $x$x and $y$y?

  1. $x$x $1$1 $2$2 $3$3 $4$4
    $y$y $3$3 $1.5$1.5 $1$1 $0.75$0.75
    $x$x $1$1 $2$2 $3$3 $4$4
    $y$y $36$36 $18$18 $12$12 $9$9
    $x$x $1$1 $5$5 $6$6 $10$10
    $y$y $3$3 $75$75 $108$108 $300$300
    $x$x $1$1 $2$2 $3$3 $4$4
    $y$y $4$4 $5$5 $6$6 $7$7

Question 2

What is the equation of the graph that passes through the points in the table?

$x$x $-2$2 $-1$1 $1$1 $2$2
$y$y $\frac{1}{2}$12 $1$1 $-1$1 $-\frac{1}{2}$12

Rectangular hyperbola

When two variables are inversely proportional, the graph obtained is called a rectangular hyperbola. Have you seen this shape before? Sketch the graph of $y=\frac{1}{x}$y=1x in the following question to see the shape and look more closely at key features of the graph.


Practice question

Question 3

Consider the function $y=\frac{1}{x}$y=1x which is defined for all real values of $x$x except $0$0.

  1. Complete the following table of values.

    $x$x $-2$2 $-1$1 $-\frac{1}{2}$12 $-\frac{1}{4}$14 $\frac{1}{4}$14 $\frac{1}{2}$12 $1$1 $2$2
    $y$y $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$
  2. Plot the points in the table of values.

    Loading Graph...

  3. Hence draw the curve.

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  4. In which quadrants does the graph lie?









The graph has two smooth sections of curves, one in the first quadrant and one in the third quadrant. The graph is symmetrical about the lines $y=x$y=x and $y=-x$y=x. It also has point symmetry about the origin by $180^\circ$180°, that is, if the graph is rotated $180^\circ$180° about the point $\left(0,0\right)$(0,0) the graph would remain unchanged.

The graph is undefined at $x=0$x=0. Substituting $x=0$x=0 into the equation gives $y=\frac{1}{0}$y=10 which is undefined. This also makes sense if rearranging the equation $xy=1$xy=1. If $x=0$x=0 there is no value of $y$y that could give $1$1. This also tells us that the graph is undefined at $y=0$y=0 as well. Hence, both the domain and range of this function are $\left(-\infty,0\right)\cup\left(0,\infty\right)$(,0)(0,).

What happens to the graph near the lines $x=0$x=0 and $y=0$y=0? The graph gets closer and closer to these lines but never touches them. These lines are called asymptotes and the 'rectangular' part of the graph's name is because these asymptotes meet at right angles.

There is a vertical asymptote of $x=0$x=0 and a horizontal asymptote of $y=0$y=0. There are also four asymptotic behaviours that can be described:

  • As $x$x approaches infinity, $y$y approaches zero from above ($y$y becomes a smaller and smaller positive number)
  • As $x$x approaches negative infinity, $y$y approaches zero from below ($y$y becomes a smaller and smaller negative number)
  • As $x$x approaches zero from above, $y$y approaches infinity
  • As $x$x approaches zero from below, $y$y approaches negative infinity


Transformations - dilation

Use the following applet to explore the effect that $a$a has on the hyperbola $y=\frac{a}{x}$y=ax. Adjust the values of $a$a and try to summarise the effect.


  • $a$a dilates (stretches) the graph by a factor of $a$a from the $x$x-axis
  • The larger the magnitude of $a$a the further the graph is from the origin
  • The point $\left(1,1\right)$(1,1) will be stretched to the point $\left(1,a\right)$(1,a)
  • When $a$a is negative the graph lies in the $2$2nd and $4$4th quadrants. This is a reflection of the graph $y=\frac{\left|a\right|}{x}$y=|a|x in the $x$x-axis.
  • The graphs still has the same symmetry properties of $y=\frac{1}{x}$y=1x
  • The graph has a vertical asymptote of $x=0$x=0 and a horizontal asymptote of $y=0$y=0

Can you find the coordinates of the 'corner' point which is the closest point to the origin? Hint: It lies on the line $y=x$y=x.


Transformations - translation

Use the next applet to explore the effect that $h$h and $k$k have on the hyperbola $y=\frac{a}{x-h}+k$y=axh+k. Adjust the values of $h$h and $k$k and try to summarise the effect.


  • The hyperbola given by $y=\frac{a}{x-h}+k$y=axh+k can be thought of as the basic rectangular hyperbola $y=\frac{a}{x}$y=ax translated horizontally (parallel to the $x$x axis) a distance of $h$h units and translated vertically (parallel to the $y$y axis) a distance of $k$k units
  • The centre (intersection of the asymptotes) will move to the point $\left(h,k\right)$(h,k)
  • The orientation of the hyperbola will remain unaltered
  • Vertical asymptote is translated to $x=h$x=h
  • Horizontal asymptote is translated to $y=k$y=k

For example, to sketch the hyperbola $y=\frac{12}{x-3}+7$y=12x3+7, first place the centre at $\left(3,7\right)$(3,7). Then draw in the two orthogonal asymptotes (orthogonal means at right angles) given by $x=3$x=3 and $y=7$y=7. Finally, draw the hyperbola as if it were the basic hyperbola $y=\frac{12}{x}$y=12x but now centred at the point $\left(3,7\right)$(3,7).

The graph of $y=\frac{12}{x-3}+7$y=12x3+7 as a translation of the graph of $y=\frac{12}{x}$y=12x

Note that the domain includes all values of $x$x not equal to $3$3 and the range includes all values of $y$y not equal to $7$7.


Domain and range

We have seen that the function $y=\frac{a}{x-h}+k$y=axh+k has asymptotes given by $x=h$x=h and $y=k$y=k. Thus $x=h$x=h is the only point excluded from the domain and $y=k$y=k is the only point excluded from the range.

This is usually stated formally as, in the case of the domain, $x:x\in\mathbb{R},x\ne h$x:x,xh and in the case of the range, $y:y\in\mathbb{R},y\ne k$y:y,yk. Alternatively, using interval notation, the domain can be written as $\left(-\infty,h\right)\cup\left(h,\infty\right)$(,h)(h,) and the range can be written as $\left(-\infty,k\right)\cup\left(k,\infty\right)$(,k)(k,).

Rather than thinking of translations, notice from the equation that the domain and range exclude these values. From the form $y=\frac{a}{x-h}+k$y=axh+k, see that $x=h$x=h would cause the denominator to be zero and hence, the expression to be undefined. Rearrange the equation to either $y=\frac{a}{x-k}+h$y=axk+h or $\left(x-h\right)\left(y-k\right)=a$(xh)(yk)=a, to see that $y=k$y=k will also cause the equation to be undefined.


Practice questions


Consider the graph of $y=\frac{2}{x}$y=2x.

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  1. For positive values of $x$x, as $x$x increases $y$y approaches what value?








  2. As $x$x takes small positive values approaching $0$0, what value does $y$y approach?








  3. What are the values that $x$x and $y$y cannot take?



  4. The graph is symmetrical across two lines of symmetry. State the equations of these two lines.



This is a graph of $y=\frac{1}{x}$y=1x.

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A cartesian plane is shown with both the x-axis and y-axis ranging from -10 to 10. A hyperbola is plotted with a function $y=\frac{1}{x}$y=1x.
  1. How do we shift the graph of $y=\frac{1}{x}$y=1x to get the graph of $y=\frac{1}{x}+3$y=1x+3?

    Move the graph $3$3 units to the left.


    Move the graph upwards by $3$3 unit(s).


    Move the graph downwards by $3$3 unit(s).


    Move the graph $3$3 units to the right.

  2. Hence sketch $y=\frac{1}{x}+3$y=1x+3 on the same graph as $y=\frac{1}{x}$y=1x.

    Loading Graph...
    A cartesian plane is shown with both the x-axis and y-axis ranging from -10 to 10. A hyperbola is drawn with a function y = 1/x.


Consider the function $y=\frac{2}{x-4}+3$y=2x4+3.

  1. Fill in the gap to state the domain of the function.

    domain$=$={$x$x$\in$$\mathbb{R}$; $x\ne\editable{}$x}

  2. State the equation of the vertical asymptote.

  3. As $x$x approaches $\infty$, what value does $y$y approach?

  4. Hence state the equation of the horizontal asymptote.

  5. State the range of the function.

    range$=$={$y$y$\in$$\mathbb{R}$; $y\ne\editable{}$y}

  6. Which of the following is the graph of the function?

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qualitative interpretation of features of graphs of functions, including those of real data not explicitly represented by a rule, with approximate location of any intercepts, stationary points and points of inflection

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