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VCE 11 Methods 2023

3.05 Graphs of cubics


The shape of a cubic

A cubic function is a polynomial of degree 3, that is, the highest power of the variable is 3. Cubic functions have the general form: 


Various combinations of choices of the four coefficients $a$a, $b$b, $c$c and $d$d will create variations in the shape and position of the curve. However, the curve will always exhibit certain properties and key features that will be outlined here.

Before looking at these properties, it might be beneficial to describe the shape using a rope analogy.

Take a piece of rope and lay it on the table. Put two turning points in it so that it looks like photo A in the diagram below. One of the turning points is known as a local maximum and the other is known as a local minimum. Photo A is one of the common shapes of a cubic function.

In between the two turning points (circled) is the point of inflection of the cubic function. A point of inflection is a point where the graph changes concavity. For each example above, the graph changes from concave down to concave up at the circled point. All cubic functions undergo a single change in concavity (from concave down to concave up, or from concave up to concave down) and this change always occurs at the cubic's point of inflection. Cubic graphs have $180$180$^\circ$° point symmetry about the point of inflection.

For $y=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$y=ax3+bx2+cx+d the point of inflection is always found at $x=\frac{-b}{3a}$x=b3a.

Now imagine that both ends of the rope are pulled - the left end pulled down and the right end pulled up. At some point in the pulling, it will become something like that depicted in photo B. The turning points will have merged together to form a single point known as a horizontal point of inflection or, alternatively, a stationary point of inflection

Finally, imagine pulling on the ends further. You will end up with something like that depicted in photo C.

With a real rope, you would be able to pull it into a straight line, but with the cubic curve, a complete straightening is impossible. No matter how hard you 'pull' on the cubic function, there will always be a central point of inflection (no longer horizontal but nevertheless an inflection) with a concave down section on the left of the centre and a concave up section to the right.

Forms of a cubic function

Forms of cubics

General Form: $y=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$y=ax3+bx2+cx+d 

Translated form: $y=a\left(x-h\right)^3+k$y=a(xh)3+k

Factored form (3 linear factors)$y=a\left(x-\alpha\right)\left(x-\beta\right)\left(x-\gamma\right)$y=a(xα)(xβ)(xγ)

Factored form (1 linear factor and 1 unfactorisable (also known as irreducible) quadratic factor):$y=a\left(x-\alpha\right)\left(x^2+bx+c\right)$y=a(xα)(x2+bx+c)

Recall from Chapter 1 looking at factorising and solving cubic equations, there will always be one x-intercept but depending on the factorisation of the quadratic factor, there may be one, two or three $x$x-intercepts. 

The following sections explore these forms and try to find the effect of the different parameters. 


Translated form


This form looks very similar to turning point form for quadratics. Unlike quadratics, not all cubics can be written in this form. Only cubics similar to diagram B with a horizontal point of inflection can be written in this form. Start the applet using $a=1$a=1, $h=0$h=0 and $k=0$k=0 to view the basic form of a cubic $y=x^3$y=x3. Then adjust $a$a, $h$h, and $k$k and try to summarise their impact on the graph.

All the graphs of this form can be obtained by transformations of the graph $y=x^3$y=x3.


  • $a$a dilates (stretches) the graph by a factor of $a$a from the $x$x-axis, the larger the magnitude of $a$a the steeper the graph
  • If $a>0$a>0, the graph is increasing
  • If $a<0$a<0, the graph is decreasing, this is a reflection of the basic graph about the $x$x-axis
  • $h$h translates the graph $h$h units horizontally
  • $k$k translates the graph $k$k units vertically
  • Hence, the horizontal point of inflection is at $\left(h,k\right)$(h,k)

Factored form (3 linear factors)


Just like factored form for quadratics, this form allows for the $x$x-intercepts to be read directly. Try changing the values in the applet below, cases with all 3 values different, and other cases where some or all of the values match.


  • The $a$a value dilates (stretches) the graph and the larger the magnitude of $a$a the steeper the graph
  • If $a>0$a>0 the graph is mostly increasing (with a positive slope from bottom left to top right)
  • If $a<0$a<0 the graph is mostly decreasing (with a negative slope from top left to bottom right)
  • For three distinct real roots there will three $x$x-intercepts at:$\left(\alpha,0\right)$(α,0), $\left(\beta,0\right)$(β,0) and $\left(\gamma,0\right)$(γ,0)
  • For two distinct real roots, that is, a graph of the form $y=a\left(x-\alpha\right)^2\left(x-\beta\right)$y=a(xα)2(xβ), there are two $x$x-intercepts: one touches at $\left(\alpha,0\right)$(α,0) and cuts at $\left(\beta,0\right)$(β,0)
  • For one distinct real root, that is, graphs of the form $y=a\left(x-\alpha\right)^3$y=a(xα)3, there is a single $x$x-intercept and horizontal point of inflection at $\left(\alpha,0\right)$(α,0). This is the same as translated form with $k=0$k=0

An interesting fact, not easily spotted from the applet, is that the point of inflection will occur at the average of the roots. This is always true when the roots are real.


General form

The third applet allows you to play with all four constants of the form $y=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$y=ax3+bx2+cx+d. See what you can discover.


  • The $y$y-intercept occurs at$\left(0,d\right)$(0,d)
  • The graph can have $1$1, $2$2 or $3$3 $x$x-intercepts
  • The graph can be of one of the three shapes given by diagrams A, B and C.

We can also see that for each form $a$a has the same effect, and can help us sketch the overall shape:

  • $a$a dilates(stretches) the graph by a factor of $a$a from the $x$x-axis, the larger the magnitude of $a$a the steeper the graph
  • If $a>0$a>0, the graph is mostly increasing. If there is a local maximum and minimum, the maximum will appear first.
  • If $a<0$a<0, the graph is mostly decreasing. If there is a local maximum and minimum, the minimum will appear first.

In changing the values of $a$a, $b$b, $c$c and $d$d, any of the three shapes of cubic functions can be found. So how do we graph from the general form? 

For all forms, find the $y$y-intercept by substituting $x=0$x=0 into the equation. For the $x$x-intercept, substitute $y=0$y=0 into the equation. For graphs in general form, use skills from the previous chapter on factorising and solving cubic equations.

Finding factored forms

Reminder, some strategies for factorising cubics include:

  • Looking for special patterns, such as the difference of two cubics, sum of two cubics
  • Factorise by grouping in pairs
  • Given one linear factor, find the quadratic factor by expansion and equating coefficients
  • Given one linear factor, find the quadratic factor by polynomial division
  • Find a linear factor using the remainder theorem or technology and then find the quadratic factor using one of the previous two methods above


Worked example

Example 1

Let's consider $y=2x^3-14x+12$y=2x314x+12

Shape: $a$a is positive, so the graphs will be mostly increasing and if it has turning points, it will have a maximum followed by a minimum.

y-intercept: We can directly read off the $y$y-intercept: $\left(0,12\right)$(0,12)

Point of inflection: We can find the location of the point of inflection using the equation: $x=\frac{-b}{3a}$x=b3a

$x$x $=$= $\frac{-b}{3a}$b3a
  $=$= $0/6$0/6
  $=$= $0$0

Hence, the point of inflection is at the $y$y-intercept $\left(0,12\right)$(0,12)

x-intercepts: We need to solve $2x^3-14x+12=0$2x314x+12=0. If we can factorise the left-hand side, we can then solve with the null factor law. Trying to find one factor, we could guess factors of $d$d divided by factors of $a$a. Luckily, we don't need to check too many since: $P\left(1\right)=2-14+12=0$P(1)=214+12=0 and so $\left(x-1\right)$(x1) is a factor. Then, using polynomial division, we see that $y=\left(x-1\right)\left(2x^2+2x-12\right)$y=(x1)(2x2+2x12). Lastly, factorising the quadratic we reveal that: $y=2\left(x-1\right)\left(x+3\right)\left(x-2\right)$y=2(x1)(x+3)(x2)

So, we have $x$x-intercepts of $\left(-3,0\right)$(3,0), $\left(1,0\right)$(1,0) and $\left(2,0\right)$(2,0)

Location of turning points: Later in this course, we will use calculus to find the exact location of the turning points. For this example, we have four points we can plot exactly and then put rough locations for the turning points. The local maximum is in between the first two $x$x-intercepts and the minimum being between the second two intercepts. We could also find these using technology to help us sketch the function accurately.

Graph of $y=2x^3-14x+12$y=2x314x+12


Practice questions


Consider the function $y=\frac{1}{2}\left(x-3\right)^3$y=12(x3)3

  1. Is the cubic increasing or decreasing from left to right?




  2. Is the function more or less steep than the function $y=x^3$y=x3 ?

    More steep


    Less steep

  3. What are the coordinates of the point of inflection of the function?

    Inflection ($\editable{}$, $\editable{}$)

  4. Plot the graph $y=\frac{1}{2}\left(x-3\right)^3$y=12(x3)3

    Loading Graph...


Consider the curve $y=-\left(x+4\right)\left(x+2\right)\left(x-1\right)$y=(x+4)(x+2)(x1).

  1. Find the $x$x value(s) of the $x$x-intercept(s).

  2. Find the $y$y value(s) of the $y$y-intercept(s).

  3. Plot the graph of the curve.

    Loading Graph...


Consider the graph of the function.

Loading Graph...

  1. The equation of the function can be written in the form $y=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$y=ax3+bx2+cx+d.

    Determine whether the value of $a$a is positive or negative.




  2. State the coordinates of the $y$y-intercept in the form $\left(a,b\right)$(a,b).

  3. For which values of $x$x is the graph concave up?

    Give your answer as an inequality, rounding to the nearest integer.

  4. For which values of $x$x is the graph concave down?

    Give your answer as an inequality, rounding to the nearest integer.

  5. State the $x$x-value of the point of inflexion.

Applications and using technology

The applications of cubic functions are discussed later in the course after exploring how to find the turning points algebraically. For now, it is possible to still set up and then solve problems involving cubics with the help of technology. Remember to consider information such as axes intercepts and practical restrictions to set up an appropriate view window. Just as common problems for quadratics involved areas, common problems for cubics often involve volumes.

Worked example

Example 2

An open chip box is made from a sheet of cardboard measuring $30$30 $cm$cm by $20$20 $cm$cm with four squares cut away from each corner as depicted in the diagram.

Here is the constructed box:

The store owner wishes to know the volume of the box as a function of the side $x$x of the cut-away squares. She suspects that the quantity of chips that can be contained varies according to the size of $x$x, but is not sure.

To answer this question, the length of the box, when constructed, will be $l=30-2x$l=302x and the width will likewise be $w=20-2x$w=202x.  With the height of the box as $x$x, the volume is given by $V=\left(30-2x\right)\left(20-2x\right)x$V=(302x)(202x)x or when expanded $V=4x^3-100x^2+600x$V=4x3100x2+600x

This situation only makes sense for positive side lengths and positive volume. So when trying to create the domain restriction let's look at the sides of the box.

Length: $30-2x$302x, width: $20-2x$202x and height: $x$x. We can see the smallest $x$x can be is zero, creating a height of zero and no volume. What is the largest it can be? For the length to be positive, $x$x must be no more than $15$15 $cm$cm and for the width to be positive, $x$x must be no more than $10$10 $cm$cm. Since both must be positive we choose the smaller bound. Hence, the practical domain of this function is $0\le x\le10$0x10 .

Using technology, the graph of $V$V as a function of $x$x is shown here.

You can see from the graph that the maximum volume occurs when $x=4$x=4, and this volume is determined as $V=\left(30-2\times4\right)\left(20-2\times4\right)\times4=1056$V=(302×4)(202×4)×4=1056 $cm^3$cm3

Reflect: Notice that the value of our function $V(x)$V(x) is zero at $x=0$x=0, and $x=10$x=10. In other words, the volume of the box is zero in these edge cases. Some might argue that the volume of the box should be strictly positive, but in any case, we're concerned about the maximum at $x=4$x=4.


Practice questions


The volume of a sphere has the formula $V=\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3$V=43πr3. The graph relating $r$r and $V$V is shown.

Loading Graph...

  1. Fill in the following table of values for the equation $V=\frac{4}{3}\pi r^3$V=43πr3, writing your answers correct to two decimal places where necessary.

    $r$r $1$1 $2$2 $4$4 $5$5 $7$7
    $V$V $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$
  2. A sphere has radius measuring $4.5$4.5 m. Its volume, $V$V, falls within which of the following intervals?

    $20\pi$20π < $V$V < $57\pi$57π


    $85\pi$85π < $V$V < $166\pi$166π


    $179\pi$179π < $V$V < $696\pi$696π


    $221\pi$221π < $V$V < $366\pi$366π

  3. Using the graph, what is the radius of a sphere of volume $288\pi$288π $m^3$m3?


A box without cover is to be constructed from a rectangular cardboard, measuring $6$6 cm by $10$10 cm by cutting out four square corners of length $x$x cm.

Let $V$V represent the volume of the box.

  1. Express the volume $V$V of the box in terms of $x$x, writing the equation in factorised form.

  2. For what range of values of $x$x is the volume function defined?










  3. Plot the graph of the volume function.

    Loading Graph...

  4. Determine the volume of a box that has a height equivalent to the shorter dimension of the base.



qualitative interpretation of features of graphs of functions, including those of real data not explicitly represented by a rule, with approximate location of any intercepts, stationary points and points of inflection


graphs of polynomial functions of low degree, and interpretation of key features of these graphs.


sketch by hand graphs of linear, quadratic and cubic polynomial functions, and quartic polynomial functions in factored form (approximate location of stationary points only for cubic and quartic functions), including cases where an x-axis intercept is a touch point or a stationary point of inflection


draw graphs of polynomial functions of low degree, simple power functions and simple relations that are not functions

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