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VCE 12 Methods 2023

4.01 Transformations of exponential functions


Exponential functions and their graphs

A base form of an exponential function is $y=a^x$y=ax for $a>0$a>0 and $a\ne1$a1 and the variable $x$x is in the exponent. These graphs take the following form:

$a>1$a>1 $00<a<1


Key features:

  • Exponential growth: As the $x$x-values increase, the $y$y-values increase at an increasing rate.

  • The $y$y-intercept is $\left(0,1\right)$(0,1), since when $x=0$x=0$y=a^0=1$y=a0=1, for any positive value $a$a.

  • $y=0$y=0 is a horizontal asymptote for each graph. As $x\ \rightarrow-\infty$x , $y\ \rightarrow0^+$y 0+

  • Domain: $x$x is any real number

  • Range: $y>0$y>0

Key features:

  • Exponential decay: As the $x$x-values increase, the $y$y-values decrease at a decreasing rate.

  • The $y$y-intercept is $\left(0,1\right)$(0,1), since when $x=0$x=0$y=a^0=1$y=a0=1, for any positive value $a$a.

  • $y=0$y=0 is a horizontal asymptote for each graph. As $x\ \rightarrow\infty$x , $y\ \rightarrow0^+$y 0+

  • Domain: $x$x is any real number

  • Range: $y>0$y>0

How did the graph of $y=\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^x$y=(12)x compare to that of $y=2^x$y=2x? Can you see they are a reflection of each other in the $y$y-axis? In general, for $a>0$a>0 the graph of $g\left(x\right)=\left(\frac{1}{a}\right)^x$g(x)=(1a)x is equivalent to $g\left(x\right)=a^{-x}$g(x)=ax, which is a decreasing exponential function and a reflection of the graph $f\left(x\right)=a^x$f(x)=ax in the $y$y-axis. 


Transformations of exponential functions

Let's look at the graphs of $f\left(x\right)=a^x$f(x)=ax and $y=A\times a^{b\left(x-h\right)}+k$y=A×ab(xh)+k and the impact the parameters have on the key features. Use the applet below to observe the impact of $A$A$b$b$h$h and $k$k for a particular $a$a value:


To obtain the graph of $y=A\times a^{b\left(x-h\right)}+k$y=A×ab(xh)+k from the graph of $y=a^x$y=ax:

  • $A$A dilates (stretches) the graph by a factor of $A$A from the $x$x-axis, parallel to the $y$y-axis
  • When $A<0$A<0 the graph is reflected about the $x$x-axis
  • $b$b dilates (stretches) the graph by a factor of $\frac{1}{b}$1b from the $y$y-axis, parallel to the $x$x-axis
  • When $b<0$b<0 the graph is reflected about the $y$y-axis
  • $h$h translates the graph $h$h units horizontally, the graph shifts $h$h units to the right when $h>0$h>0 and $|h|$|h| units to the left when $h<0$h<0
  • $k$k translates the graph $k$k units vertically, the graph shifts $k$k units upwards when $k>0$k>0 and $|k|$|k| units downwards when $k<0$k<0

We can see in particular, the vertical translation by $k$k units causes the horizontal asymptote to become $y=k$y=k.


Practice questions

Question 1

Consider the function $y=\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^x$y=(12)x

  1. Which two functions are equivalent to $y=\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^x$y=(12)x ?








  2. Sketch a graph of $y=2^x$y=2x on the coordinate plane.

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  3. Using the result of the first part, sketch $y=\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^x$y=(12)x on the same coordinate plane.

    Loading Graph...

Question 2

Consider the function $y=8^{-x}+6$y=8x+6.

  1. What value is $8^{-x}$8x always greater than?






  2. Hence what value is $8^{-x}+6$8x+6 always greater than?






  3. Hence how many $x$x-intercepts does $y=8^{-x}+6$y=8x+6 have?

  4. State the equation of the asymptote of the curve $y=8^{-x}+6$y=8x+6.

  5. What is the domain of the function?







    all real $x$x

  6. What is the range of the function?

Question 3

Beginning with the equation $y=6^x$y=6x, fill in the gaps to find the equation of the new function that results from the given transformations.

  1. The function is dilated by a factor of $5$5 vertically. We get the equation:


    The new function is then translated $3$3 unit up. The resulting equation is: $\editable{}$

  2. What is the horizontal asymptote of the new function?

  3. What is the $y$y-intercept of the new function?

  4. Using the previous parts, pick the correct graph for $y=5\times6^x+3$y=5×6x+3.

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graphs of the following functions: power functions, y=x^n; exponential functions, y=a^x, in particular y = e^x ; logarithmic functions, y = log_e(x) and y=log_10(x) ; and circular functions, 𝑦 = sin(𝑥) , 𝑦 = cos (𝑥) and 𝑦 = tan(𝑥) and their key features


the key features and properties of a function or relation and its graph and of families of functions and relations and their graphs


identify key features and properties of the graph of a function or relation and draw the graphs of specified functions and relations, clearly identifying their key features and properties, including any vertical or horizontal asymptotes


the concepts of domain, maximal domain, range and asymptotic behaviour of functions


sketch by hand graphs of polynomial functions up to degree 4; simple power functions, y=x^n where n in N, y=a^x, (using key points (-1, 1/a), (0,1), and (1,a); log x base e; log x base 10; and simple transformations of these

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