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VCE 11 General 2023

11.03 2D Applications of Trigonometry


There are many practical applications to trigonometry, as well as Pythagoras' theorem. Sometimes problems may require a combination of Pythagoras' theorem and trigonometry in order to find the solution. In this chapter, several common applications will be discussed.

Angles of elevation and depression

In worded problems in trigonometry, the angle of elevation or depression is often used to describe a given angle. The angle of elevation is an angle measured upwards from a horizontal line of sight. The angle of depression is an angle measured downwards from a horizontal line of sight.

Useful facts

Pythagoras' theorem:  $a^2+b^2=c^2$a2+b2=c2, where $c$c is the hypotenuse

Angle of elevation:  the angle from the observer's horizontal line of sight looking UP at an object

Angle of depression:  the angle from the observer's horizontal line of sight looking DOWN at an object


Practice questions

Question 1

A man standing at point $C$C, is looking at the top of a tree at point $A$A. Identify the angle of elevation in the figure given.

A right triangle is shown with vertices labeled A, B and C. Side AB is the vertical leg, side BC is the horizontal leg, and side AC is the hypotenuse. The right angle is at vertex B, as indicated by a small square. There are two arcs indicating angles: one at vertex C, labeled with $\alpha$α, and another at vertex A, labeled with $\theta$θ. Above vertex C, a vertical dotted line extends from vertex C to a point labeled D. The angle between this dotted line CD and the hypotenuse AC is labeled with $\sigma$σ.

  1. $\alpha$α






Question 2

From the top of a rocky ledge $188$188 m high, the angle of depression to a boat is $13^\circ$13°. If the boat is $d$d m from the foot of the cliff find $d$d correct to two decimal places.

Question 3

Consider the following diagram.

  1. Find $y$y, correct to two decimal places.

  2. Find $w$w, correct to two decimal places.

  3. Hence, find $x$x, correct to one decimal place.


True bearings and compass bearings

In surveying and air navigation, bearings are used to help identify the location of an object.

The four main directions of a compass are known as cardinal directions. They are north (N), east (E), south (S) and west (W).


Three-figure (true) bearings

A three-figure bearing is:

  • Measured from north ($N$N)
  • Measured in a clockwise direction
  • Written using three figures (digits)

$T$T is often but not always used to indicate a three-figure bearing. If the angle measure is less than $100^\circ$100°, it would be written in the form $040^\circ$040° or $040^\circ$040°T.

To use three-figure bearings to describe the location of a plane at point $B$B from the airport at point $A$A:

  1. Place the centre of a compass on the starting point, in this case, the airport
  2. Starting at North, rotate clockwise until we get to the line $AB$AB
  3. Write angle as the three-figure bearing of point $B$B

The true bearing of $B$B from $A$A is $127^\circ$127° or $127^\circ$127°T.

The diagram below describes the bearing of $P$P from $O$O. Between these two points, there is an angle measure of $55^\circ$55°.

Since this measure is less than three digits, a $0$0 must be placed in front of the two digit number to write the three-figure bearing of $P$P as $055^\circ$055° or $055^\circ$055°T.

Consider the bearing of $O$O from $P$P. Since we are effectively rotating to point in the opposite direction, the three-figure bearing starting from $P$P would be $180+55=235^\circ$180+55=235°.


Compass bearings

A compass bearing describes the location of a point using:

  • The starting direction of either north or south
  • The acute angle needed to rotate
  • The direction to rotate towards; either east or west.

The following sentence could describe the position of point $B$B from $A$A:

"Starting at South, rotate $53^\circ$53° towards East."

The compass bearing of $B$B from $A$A is $S$S$53$53$^\circ$°$E$E.


Worked examples

Example 1

Find the three-figure and compass bearings of point $P$P from $O$O.


Three-figure bearing:

Starting at North rotate in a clockwise direction.


The three-figure bearing of $P$P from $O$O is $313$313$^\circ$°T.

Compass Bearing

Point $P$P is closest to North, so starting at North, rotate $47^\circ$47° towards West.

The compass bearing of $P$P from $O$O is $N$N$47$47$^\circ$°$W$W.


Which position first?

The bearing needed or used completely depends on which position comes first. Have a look at the applet below; it demonstrates how the angle changes depending on if we are measuring the bearing of $A$A from $B$B or $B$B from $A$A.


Practice questions

Question 4

Consider the point $A$A.

  1. Find the true bearing of $A$A from $O$O.

  2. What is the compass bearing of point $A$A from $O$O?

    $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$$^\circ$° $\editable{}$

Question 5

What is the true bearing of Southwest?

Question 6

In the figure below, point $B$B is due East of point $A$A. We want to find the position of point $A$A relative to point $C$C.

  1. Find the true bearing of point $A$A from point $C$C.

  2. What is the compass bearing of point $A$A from point $C$C?

    $\editable{}$ $\editable{}$$^\circ$° $\editable{}$


Applying trigonometry to problems involving bearings

The cardinal directions N, S, E and W form $90^\circ$90° angles to one another. This means that right-angled triangles can be used to represent distances and bearings measured from one location to another. Therefore trigonometry and Pythagoras' theorem can both be applied to solving navigation problems.


Worked example

Example 2

A slightly lost hiker walks $300$300 m east before turning south and walking another $800$800 m. What are the hiker's three-figure and compass bearings from the original position (rounded to one decimal place)?

Think: It will be easiest to first visualise the situation by drawing a diagram, such as this one:

For the three-figure bearing, the angle we want to find has been marked. It is equal to $90^\circ$90°$+$+the angle inside the triangle, which we can find by using a tangent ratio, since the $800$800 m and $300$300 m lengths are the opposite and adjacent sides of the triangle respectively.

From above, $\tan\theta=\frac{800}{300}$tanθ=800300

Therefore, $\theta=\tan^{-1}\frac{800}{300}$θ=tan1800300

We can then use this to find the compass bearing.

Do: The three-figure bearing is

$90+\tan^{-1}\frac{800}{300}$90+tan1800300 $=$= $90+\tan^{-1}\frac{8}{3}$90+tan183
  $=$= $90+69.44395\ldots$90+69.44395
  $=$= $159.4$159.4 (one d.p.)

So the three-figure bearing is $159.4$159.4$^\circ$°.

To determine this as a compass bearing, we want to know the acute angle made with the North-South line. This is $180-159.4=20.6$180159.4=20.6.

Looking back at the diagram, we can see that this bearing is closer to South, and on the East side, so the compass bearing is $S$S$20.6$20.6$^\circ$°$E$E.


Practice question

Question 7

The position of a ship S is given to be $20$20 kilometres from P, on a true bearing of $0$0$49$49$^\circ$°T.

The position of the ship can also be given by its $\left(x,y\right)$(x,y) coordinates.

  1. If the ship's $x$x-coordinate is $x$x, find $x$x to one decimal place.

  2. If the ship's y-coordinate is $y$y, find $y$y to one decimal place.

Question 8

In remote locations, photographers must keep track of their position from their base. One morning a photographer sets out from base, represented by point B, to the edge of an ice shelf at point S on a bearing of $0$0$55$55°. She then walked on a bearing of $145$145° to point P, which is $916$916 metres due east of base.

  1. From the information provided, which angle measures $90^\circ$90°?

    $\angle PBS$PBS


    $\angle SPB$SPB


    $\angle BSP$BSP

  2. If the distance between B and S is $d$d metres, find $d$d to one decimal place.

  3. If the distance between $S$S and $P$P is $h$h metres, find $h$h to one decimal place.

  4. If the photographer were to walk back to her base from point P, what is the total distance she would have travelled? Round your answer to one decimal place.

Question 9

A boat travels $S$S$14^\circ$14°$E$E for $12$12 km and then changes direction to $S$S$49^\circ$49°$E$E for another $16$16 km.

  1. Find $x$x, the distance of the boat from its starting point. Give your answer to two decimal places.

  2. Find the angle $b$b as labelled in the diagram. Express your answer to the nearest degree.

  3. Hence write down the bearing that the boat should travel on to return to the starting point.





Pythagoras’ theorem and the trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine and tangent) and their application including angles of elevation and depression and three figure bearings

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