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VCE 11 General 2023

INVESTIGATION: Is there always a solution?


Try this yourself before you look at the solution. 

What happens when you try and solve, using matrices, a set of equations that have no solution.  

Part A - Explain what kind of lines, and hence their system of equations, would not have a point of intersection (also known as no solution).

Part B - Explore and investigate what happens if you try to solve a set of these equations using matrices. 

Part A 

Two lines will not intersect if they are either PARALLEL, (by definition parallel means that they will not cross), or if they are exactly the same line. 


Part B


To explore what happens if I try and solve a parallel system with matrices I will need a set of parallel lines equations. 

These equations are parallel because they share the same gradient (m=2).  This is what they look like.

We will need to rearrange the equations so that the constant term is on the right-hand side.  So,

And then interpreting this using matrices we get

(coefficient matrix) (variable matrix) = (constant term matrix)

We can isolate matrix X, by pre-multiplying both sides by the inverse of  

This means we now need to find this inverse. We already know how to find the inverses, recall that 

So in our case we have

Look at the determinant of the matrix.  (Remember the determinant is the ad-bc part).

The determinant here is 0.  So this matrix is singular and no inverse exists. 

That's what happens when we try and solve parallel lines using matrices.  There is no solution because the matrix will have no inverse.  This doesn't mean that every time you have no inverse the lines are parallel - but it could be one of the reasons.  


Same Line

The other option is that the lines we are trying to solve are actually one line.  This may seem a bit ridiculous, but even lines that are identical can have equations that look different, and maybe you don't notice this straight away.

Consider these lines, 

Let's first rearrange them into the form we need to translate them into matrix notation

Again we will need the inverse of 

which is 

The determinant is again 0.  No inverse so no solution.



determinant and inverse of a matrix

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