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1.06 The properties of operations with integers


When we manipulate expressions with numbers, we follow a set of properties that apply to all numbers. Knowing these properties helps us to be able to rewrite expressions in a variety of different ways, and might make evaluating them easier.

Properties of operation with integers

The box below summarizes some of the properties of real numbers and gives an example of each.

\text{Commutative property of addition} a+b=b+a-3+6=6+\left(-3\right)
\text{Commutative property of multiplication} a \times b=b \times a6 \times (-3)=(-3) \times 6
\text{Associative property of addition} a+\left(b+c\right) \\ =\left(a+b\right)+c6+\left(\left(-3\right)+2\right)=\\\left(6+\left(-3\right)\right)+2
\text{Associative property of multiplication} a\times(b\times c)=(a\times b)\times c6 \times \left(-3 \times 2\right)=\\ \left(6 \times (-3\right)) \times 2
\text{Distributive property} a\times\left(b+c\right)= \\ a\times b+a\times c \\ \text{or} \\ a\times\left(b-c\right)= \\a\times b-a\times c4\left(-3+5\right)= \\ 4 \times \left(-3\right)+4 \times 5 \\ \text{or} \\ 4 \left(\left(-3\right)-5\right)= \\ 4 \times\left(-3\right)-4 \times 5

The commutative property is the reason that we can add numbers in any order or multiply numbers in any order. While it applies to multiplication and addition, it does not apply to expressions that are written as subtraction or division.


The applet below uses two sliders that you can use to adjust the number of rows of columns of the array. A multiplication expression is shown that represents the array. Use the bottom slider to generate the rotated version of the left array.

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  1. What do you notice when you rotated the array?

If we rotate the array in the applet, we can see that the rectangles are the same size when the length and width are switched. This demonstrates the commutative property for multiplication.

The associative property is the reason that we can group sums of numbers differently and the result remains the same. The same is true for products of numbers. However, it's not true for subtraction and division. That's why we say they are not associative.

The distributive property shows us how the product of a number and a sum or difference is applied to each term in the sum or difference.

We know that adding zero to a number gives us the same number. That's the identity property for addition. In a similar way, multiplying a number by one doesn't change the number. That's the identity property for multiplication.

We also know that opposites add to zero. That's the inverse property of addition.

All of these properties can be applied to help us evaluate expressions more easily.


Example 1

Find the value of: 6+\left(-5\right)+5

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Since we can add numbers in any order, it might be easier to evaluate the sum of -5 and 5 as opposites sum to zero.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle 6+(-5)+5\displaystyle =\displaystyle -5+5+6Rewrite using the commutative property of addition
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 0+6Evaluate -5 + 5
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 6Evaluate
Reflect and check

We could apply a different property to get the same result:

\displaystyle 6+\left(-5\right)+5\displaystyle =\displaystyle 6+\left(\left(-5\right)+5\right)Rewrite using the associative property of addition
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 6+0Evaluate -5 + 5
\displaystyle =\displaystyle 6Evaluate

Example 2

Use the commutative property of addition to fill in the missing number:

19 + \left(-15\right) = \left(-15\right) + ⬚

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

The commutative property of addition means that when we add two numbers, it does not matter what order we add them.

Apply the idea

We want to write 19 + (-15) the opposite way around. 19 + \left(-15\right) = \left(-15\right) + 19

Example 3

Which property is demonstrated by the following statement?

4 \times (9 \times (-5)) = (4 \times 9) \times (-5)

Commutative property of multiplication
Associative property of multiplication
Distributive property
Associative property of addition
Commutative property of addition
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Only the multiplication operation is used in the statement so we know that the answer must be a multiplication property. To figure out which property, consider how the multiplication differs on the two sides of the equation.

Apply the idea

The statement demonstrates an associative property of multiplication.

When we multiply three numbers, we can group the first two or the last two and get the same answer. So, the correct answer is B.

Example 4

Using the distributive property, rewrite -11\times\left(7-3\right) as the sum or difference of two integers.

Worked Solution
Create a strategy

Multiply each term inside the parentheses by the number outside of the parentheses.

Apply the idea
\displaystyle -11\times\left(7-3\right)\displaystyle =\displaystyle -11 \times 7 - (-11) \times 3Distribute the -11
\displaystyle =\displaystyle -77 - (-33)Evaluate the multiplication
\displaystyle =\displaystyle -77 +33Combine adjacent signs
Idea summary
\text{Commutative property of addition} a+b=b+a
\text{Commutative property of multiplication} a \times b=b \times a
\text{Associative property of addition} a+\left(b+c\right) =\left(a+b\right)+c
\text{Associative property of multiplication} a\times(b\times c)=(a\times b)\times c
\text{Distributive property} a\times\left(b+c\right)= a\times b+a\times c \\ \text{or} \\ a\times\left(b-c\right)=a\times b-a\times c



Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram.


Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract rational numbers.


Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division and of fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers.


Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide rational numbers.

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