Conversion between different units of measurement can be done to improve accuracy and to avoid confusion in measurement. We can apply our understanding of ratios and proportional relationships to convert units.
Converting units allows us to compare two quantities that have different units, such as a number of minutes compared to a number of hours, a distance in kilometers to a distance in meters, a duration in days to a duration in weeks, and so on.
To compare these types of quantities, we will need to convert one of the quantities to use the same units as the other. It does not matter which one we convert, we will end up with exactly the same ratio in the end.
We can use a conversion factor, a number used to change one set of units to another, by multiplying or dividing. We must use the appropriate conversion factor when converting. For example, to convert miles to kilometers, the appropriate conversion value is 1 mile equals 1.6 kilometers. To convert minutes to hours, the appropriate conversion value is 60 minutes equals 1 hour.
When using the conversion factor which is written as a ratio in fraction form, it is important that we have the desired unit as the numerator. This will ensure that if we are going from a smaller unit to a larger unit that we will divide, and if we are going from a larger unit to a smaller unit, we will multiply.
For example, if we want to convert 8 feet into inches, the conversion value is 1 \text{ ft} = 12 \text{ in}.
\displaystyle 8\text{ ft}\times \dfrac{12 \text{ in}}{1\text{ ft}} | \displaystyle = | \displaystyle 96 \text{ in} | Multiply the given by the conversion factor |
Notice that the unit of the given number is \text {ft} and the conversion factor has the unit \text {ft} in the denominator to cancel the unit \text {ft} and the result will be the desired unit, \text {in}.
However, if we want to convert 96 inches into feet, the conversion value is the same, but we put the feet in the numerator.
\displaystyle 96\text{ in}\times \dfrac{1 \text{ ft}}{12\text{ in}} | \displaystyle = | \displaystyle \dfrac {96 \text{ in}}{12\text{ in}} \times 1\text{ ft} | Multiply the given by the conversion factor |
\displaystyle = | \displaystyle 8\text{ ft} | Simplify the fraction by dividing and cancelling the units |
Let's look at the following examples.
The ratio of kilograms to pounds is 1\text{:}2.2. Use this fact to complete the workings below for finding out how many pounds are equal to 10 kilograms.
Burj Al Arab, one of the tallest hotels in the world is 321\text{ m} tall. Using the conversion 1 \text{ ft} = 30 \text{ cm}, find the height of the hotel in feet.
Conversion of units can be done by applying ratios and proportional relationships. to multiply or divide both sides of the ratio.
We must use the appropriate conversion factor as a fraction or a ratio that can be multiplied to convert one unit to another.