We can use long division to divide by 2 digit numbers in the same way that we would divide by a single digit number.
This video looks at how we set out our work when using long division to divide by a 2 digit number.
Similar to dividing multi-digit numbers by a single digit divisor, we follow the order of processes involved in standard algorithm in dividing numbers by two-digit divisors namely:
Bring Down
When we solve division, if we cannot share the total (dividend) equally, we end up with a remainder.
Find the value of 5016\div57.
Find the value of 379\div29=⬚ with remainder ⬚.
In dividing multi-digit numbers by two-digit divisor, we follow the same processes involved in dividing by single-digit divisors:
Bring Down
When we solve division, if we cannot share the total (dividend) equally, we end up with a remainder.