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6.05 Purchases and change


Are you ready?

Do you remember how to perform the addition and subtraction and multiplication and division with numbers?

Find $560\cdot7$560·7.


If we pay more than the cost of an object, we will get change equal to the difference between what we paid and the cost.

Let's learn more about calculating change, using either subtraction or the counting back method.


Question 1

How much change would you receive from $\$10$$10 if you spent $\$8.50$$8.50?


If we want to find the total of two amounts of money, we can add them together.

If we want to calculate the cost of some number of objects, we can multiply the cost of that object by how many we want.

If we want to share money between some number of people, we can divide the amount of money by the number of people.


Question 2

A group of friends is going to the zoo. The entry cost for each person is $\$4$$4. If there are $5$5 people in the group, what is the total cost of entry for their group?


We can perform the four operations on amounts of money in the same way that we do with whole numbers.



Solve one- or two-step real-world problems involving whole number measurements (including length, liquid volume, mass/weight, time, and money) with all four operations within a single system of measurement. (Contexts need not include conversions.)

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