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11.01 Half hours and quarter hours


Are you ready?

Do you know which is the hour hand, and which is the minute hand? What times are shown on the clocks below? 


Let's look at times that we call "half past." We will see how half past is half the way around the clock face, which is $30$30 minutes.  

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Question 1

Which clock shows half past five?

  1. A




Let's split the clock into quarters and look at how to use "quarter past" and "quarter to" to describe these times. These can be used to represent $15$15 minutes and $45$45 minutes for the minute hand.

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Question 2

What time is shown on the clock?

  1. $\editable{}$$:$:$\editable{}$ $\editable{}$


We can describe the position of the minute hand using these phrases:

  • o'clock - when the minute hand is pointing to $12$12
  • quarter past - when the minute hand is pointing to $3$3
  • half past - when the minute hand is pointing to $6$6
  • quarter to - when the minute hand is pointing to $9$9





Using analog and digital clocks tell and write time to the nearest minute using a.m. and p.m. appropriately.

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