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10.11 Other problems with area


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Can you find the area of a rectangle by using the length and width? 

We are going to find the area of a rectangle by first identifying the length and the width.

  1. Find the length and width of the rectangle.

    length = $\editable{}$ units
    width = $\editable{}$ units  
  2. Find the area of the rectangle by completing this table.

    $\text{Area }$Area $=$= $\text{length }\times\text{width }$length ×width units2
    $\text{Area }$Area $=$= $\editable{}\times\editable{}$× units2 (Fill in the values for the length and width.)
    $\text{Area }$Area $=$= $\editable{}$ units2 (Complete the multiplication to find the area.)


By breaking a shape into smaller rectangles, we can work out the area of those rectangles first. We can then add those two values together, to work out the total area of our shape.

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The total area of this shape is $75$75 cm2.

If the area of rectangle $A$A is $27$27 cm2, what is the area of rectangle $B$B?




Make sure to add all the smaller shapes together to get the total area of the shape. 



Solve mathematical and real-world problems involving the perimeter and area of composite figures composed of non-overlapping rectangles with whole-number side lengths.

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