Can you identify and compare fractions of a circle?
Answer the following questions.
Complete the statement:
A half is one whole which has been divided into ⬚ equal parts.
Which of the following represents \dfrac{1}{2} on a circle?
The following table shows how many parts are in a whole:
Name of each part | \text{Half} | \text{Third} | \text{Fourth} | \text{Sixth} | \text{Eight} |
Number of equal parts | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 8 |
This video looks at the features of a pie chart including the key/legend. Understanding these key features can help us to interpret the data.
Every student in Year 8 was surveyed on their favourite subject, and the results are displayed in this pie chart:
Which was the most popular subject?
Which was the second most popular subject?
What percentage of the class selected Science, Phys. Ed., or Languages?
The key tells us what each segment of the pie chart represents. When we don't need to know exact numbers, a pie chart is a great way to see how data is spread.