Before we try and order 6-digit numbers, check if you remember how to order 5-digit numbers.
Which number is the smallest?
We can use a place value table to compare 5 digit numbers. 5 digit numbers start in the tens of thousands column and have a digit in each column down to the ones.
In this video, we see how to order numbers in ascending order. We also see how to order numbers where we have numbers with 7 digits, and numbers with only 6 digits.
We want to arrange the following numbers in ascending order:
Which number comes first?
Which number is the second number?
Which is the third number?
To determine the largest or smallest number in a pair, or set, of numbers, we can compare the furthermost left place value digits. If they are the same, we move to the right, one place at a time, until they are different.
We can also use the 'greater than' (\gt) or 'less than' (\lt) symbol to compare two numbers, remembering that the 'greater than' sign has the big part towards the larger number, and the 'less than' symbol has the small part towards the smaller number.