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Middle Years

7.04 Special number sets


Recall that a set is a list of objects, each of which is called an element. Let's review two types of notations we can use to refer to a subset of the real numbers.

Set builder notation

Set builder notation follows a common convention.

Set builder notation
Symbols $\lbrace x\mid${x $x>5\rbrace$x>5}
Read The set of all numbers $x$x such that $x$x has a certain property

Many subsets of the real numbers have abbreviations which are commonly used.

Set Letter Abbreviation
Real numbers $\mathbb{R}$
Rational numbers $\mathbf{Q}$Q
Irrational numbers $\mathbf{Q}'$Q
Integers $\mathbb{Z}$
Positive integers $\mathbb{Z}^+$+
Natural numbers $\mathbb{N}$
Empty set $\varnothing$

Worked example

Describe the set of even numbers using set builder notation.

Think: The set of even numbers are all natural numbers that are multiples of $2$2. If $x$x is an even number, then $x=2n$x=2n, where $n$n is a natural number. The symbol $\in$ means 'is an element of'.

Do: Translate to set builder notation.

$\lbrace x\mid x=2n,n\in N\rbrace${xx=2n,nN}

 "the set of all x such that $x=2n$x=2n, where $n$n is an element of the natural numbers"



Practice questions

Question 1

Is the following statement true or false?


  1. True




Question 2

Consider the set $A=\left\{2,4,6,8\right\}$A={2,4,6,8}

  1. Which of the following is the correct set builder notation for $A$A?

    {$x$x$|$| $2\le x\le8$2x8}


    {$x$x$|$|$x$x is an even number}


    {$x$x$|$| $x$x is an even number and $x\ge2$x2}


    {$x$x$|$| $x$x is an even number and $2\le x\le8$2x8}




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