Construct a sign diagram for each of the following linear functions:
Construct a sign diagram for each of the following quadratic functions:
Construct a sign diagram for each of the following cubic functions:
Construct a sign diagram for the following hyperbolas:
For each of the following sign diagrams, sketch a possible corresponding function:
Consider the inequality: 2x-10 \lt 0.
Solve the equation 2x-10 = 0 for x.
Construct a sign diagram for the function f(x)=2x-10.
Hence, solve the inequality.
Consider the inequality: 3x^2-75 \lt 0.
Solve the equation 3x^2-75 = 0 for x.
Construct a sign diagram for the function f(x)=3x^2-75.
Hence, solve the inequality.
Use sign diagrams to solve the following inequalities: