Consider the following cylinder with a height of $35$35 cm and base radius of $10$10 cm. Find the surface area of the cylinder.
A vertical cylinder with a dashed circle at the bottom indicating the base, which is hidden from view. A solid line circles the top, representing the visible base. Two measurements are shown: a horizontal line from the center of the circle to the circumference measuring $10$10cm above the top base, implying the radius, and a vertical dimension line adjacent to the right side of the cylinder measuring $35$35cm indicating the height.
Round your answer to two decimal places.
The following cylinder has a height of $49$49 m and a base radius of $21$21 m.
Find the surface area.
Find the surface area of the given cylinder. All measurements in the diagram are in mm.
Find the surface area of the cylinder shown.
Give your answer to the nearest two decimal places.