topic badge
Year 3

13.01 Describe positions


Are you ready?

Do you know your left from your right?

Which is your left hand?

Which way do you turn when you turn left?

Looking at the screen you are looking at now:

The image says left is over here, and there is an arrow pointing to the left direction.
Idea summary

Left is the direction this arrow is pointing to: \longleftarrow

Right is the direction this arrow is pointing to: \longrightarrow

Describe position

This video shows us how to talk about position.

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Example 1

What object is in the top right?

A grid with images of objects placed in different positions. Ask your teacher for more information.
An image of an owl.
An image of an umbrella.
Worked Solution
Create a strategy

To find the top right object, look to the right \longrightarrow and up.

Apply the idea

The object in the top right is the umbrella, option B.

Idea summary

Remember to think of opposites when we think of direction or position:

  • Left is the opposite of right

  • Up is the opposite of down

  • Top is the opposite of bottom



Create and interpret simple grid maps to show position and pathways

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