Let's practice writing decimals from their written form .
Use the applet below to convert a number of tenths into a fraction.
When writing a number of tenths as a fraction we should write the number as the numerator and use a denominator of 10.
Let's look at the number 50 tenths.
Write this number as a fraction.
Now write the same number as a decimal.
When writing a number of tenths as a fraction we should write the number as the numerator and use a denominator of 10.
Anytime we are comparing numbers, the important thing we need to consider is the value of the numbers we are comparing. Just like 6 hundreds are worth more than 6 tens, we need to consider the value of the digits in a number with decimals. In this video we look at how we can visualise the value of our numbers, helping to identify bigger or smaller numbers.
Choose the smaller decimal
We can compare decimals using a place value table, starting from the highest place value.
When we compare decimals, it also helps to remember that some numbers may look different, but are in fact equivalent. While 0.3 and 0.30 may look different, they have the same value. Using equivalent fractions can help, since fractions are another way to express parts of a whole. In this video, we show how we can compare decimals, while keeping in mind that we may be able to express a number more than one way, just like we did above, with 3 tenths and 30 hundredths.
Choose the larger decimal.
When comparing decimals with a different number of decimal places, we can use zeros as place holders in a place value table.
In this video we make a statement true, by thinking about whether one side is equal to, greater than, or less than the other side.
Write the greater than \gt or less than \lt symbol in the box to make this number sentence true:
9.1 \,⬚\, 9.57
\gt means 'greater than'
\lt means 'less than'.