There is a relationship between the 10 times tables and the 5 times tables.
Find the value of 10\times7.
When adding 10 each time in the pattern, we will notice that the units value does not change.
Let's look at how to multiply numbers by 10.
Find the value of 10\times 4.
A quick way to multiply any whole number by 10 is to add a 0 at the end.
Similar to how we can use a doubling strategy for our 2, 4, and 8 times tables, we can use a halving strategy for our 5 times tables because half of 10 groups is 5 groups. Watch this video to see how.
Find the value of 8 \times 5.
To multiply a number by 5 we can multiply the number by 10 then halve the answer.
You can also reverse this strategy and double the answers to 5 times tables to work out the answers to the 10 times tables.