Let's review how to write fractions as percentages .
Express the fraction \dfrac{5}{25} as a percentage.
We can convert any fraction into a percentage by finding its equivalent fraction that has a denominator of 100. After this, we can write the value in the numerator followed by the \% symbol to represent the percentage.
This video looks at strategies to complete tables of equivalent values for fractions, decimals and percentages.
Convert between percentages, fractions and decimals to complete the table:
Fraction | Decimal | Percentage |
\dfrac{60}{100} |
We can convert fractions and decimals to percentages by multiplying by 100\%.
This video looks at how 1 whole is 100\%, and how we can use that knowledge to find complements, that add together to make the whole.
What is the complement of 40\%?
1 whole is 100\%.
If you have a percentage such as 25\%, the complement to that is 75\% because it makes up the whole.