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9.01 Energy of human consumption

Energy consumption of appliances

Convert the following into joules:


4 \text{ kWh}


104.23 \text{ kWh}


Calculate the energy consumption for the appliances in the table below:

\text{Appliance}\text{Power (W)}\text{Time }(s)\text{Energy consumed (J)}
\text{Espresso Machine}3802400
\text{Electric Blanket}15025\,200
\text{Washing Machine}5605400
\text{Gaming Console}1207200
\text{Ceiling Fan}6514\,400

An appliance consumes energy at a rate of 1200 \text{ W}. If it runs for 29 seconds, calculate how many joules of energy it uses.


A heater consumes 185 \text{ kWh} of energy per year. Calculate the cost of operating the heater for a year if the average cost of electricity is \$0.19 \text{ per kWh}.


A stove consumes 168 \text{ kWh} of energy per year. Calculate the cost of operating the stove for a year if the average cost of electricity is \$0.1819 \text{ per kWh}.


The air conditioner in a house consumes 2.4 \text{ kWh} of energy in a day. The average rate for electricity is \$0.12 \text{ per kWh}. Find the running cost of the air conditioner for a single day.


The fridge in a house consumes 3.6 \text{ kWh} of energy in a day. The average rate for electricity is \$0.12 \text{ per kWh}. Find the running cost of the fridge for a single day.


An appliance consumes energy at a rate of 0.59 \text{ kW} for 8 hours. How much energy is this in \text{ kWh}?


A microwave oven consumes energy at the rate of 0.95 \text{ kW}. In a month, this appliance runs for 8 hours. If electricity costs \$0.185 \text{ per kWh}, calculate the cost of this appliance for the month.


Gwen uses a 900-watt microwave for 8 hours every day.


How much energy does it use per day?


How much energy does it use per week?


Calculate the cost of operating the microwave for a week if the price of electricity is \$0.2622 \text{ per kWh}.


Valentina uses a 550-watt iron for 8 hours every week.


How much energy (in \text{kWh}) does it use per week?


Calculate the cost of operating the iron for one year if the price of electricity is \$0.2785 \text{ per kWh}. Assume there are 52 weeks in a year.


An appliance consumes energy at a rate of 0.23 \text{ kW}. If the appliance consumes 2.07 \text{ kWh}, how long is the appliance in use?


A washing machine is used for a total of 16 hours a month. Its monthly electricity cost is \$1.8648. If 1 \text{ kWh} costs \$0.185, how many \text{kW} does the appliance consumes?


An office microwave consumes energy at a rate of 1100 \text{ W}. The microwave runs for 3 hours in a day. The average rate for electricity is \$0.12 \text{ per kWh}. Find the average running cost of a microwave for a single day.


A fridge consumes energy at a rate of 210 \text{ W}. The fridge remains on all year. The average rate for electricity is \$0.14 \text{ per kWh}. Given that there are 365 days in a year, calculate the running cost of the fridge for an entire year.


Kathleen's house is running several different appliances and has an electricity cost of \$0.16 \text{ per kWh}.


The printer is operating for a total of 2 hours over a working day. If it runs on 12 \text{ W}, calculate its running cost in 5-day working week.


The kettle is operating for a total of 15 minutes a day over 30 days. If it runs on 1608 \text{ W}, calculate its running cost during this period.


Jack's house is running several different appliances and has an electricity cost of \$0.26 \text{ per kWh}. Calculate the running cost of the following appliances over the given period:


The air conditioner operates at 1303 \text{ W}, for a total of 840 hours.


The scanner operates at 12 \text{ W}, for a total of 2247 hours.


Aaron's house is running several different appliances and has an electricity cost of \$0.17 \text{ per kWh}. Calculate the running cost of the following appliances over the given period:


A 1500 \text{ W} kettle is operating for a total of 820 hours.


A 14 \text{ W} printer is operating for a total of 2447 hours.


In direct sunlight, solar panels on a house generate 8.71 \text{ kWh} of electricity each hour, and on average, the house gets 7 hours of sunlight a day. Any unused power is returned to the main grid and the homeowner receives 33 cents per \text{kWh}.

Over a 24-hour period, the household's usage averages out to 1.87 \text{ kWh} each hour. How much will the homeowner expect to make each day by selling back electricity if they install the solar panels?


To work out the power in kilowatts \left( \text{kW} \right) produced by a bank of solar panels we use the following formula:

\text{Power } = \dfrac{\text{Number of panels} \times \text{Power output of each panel}}{1000}


Calculate the power (in \text{ kW}) provided by a bank of 30 solar panels, each with a power output of 150 \text{ W}.


Calculate the power (in \text{ kW}) provided by a bank of 12 solar panels, each with a power output of 200 \text{ W}.


\text{kWh} is the measurement used to determine the size of a system of solar panels. To calculate \text{kWh}, we multiply the \text{kW} capacity of a system by the number of hours of full sunlight per day. Hence, if we estimate this to be 6 hours per day, calculate the size of the system in part (b).


A household wants to calculate the running cost of their electric heater and cooling fan. The 1700-watt heater is on for 540 hours in a year. The 700-watt fan is on for 450 hours a year. The average rate for electricity is \$0.11 \text{ per kWh}.

Calculate the running cost of heating and cooling for a year.


A household wants to find the cost of running their appliances in the kitchen. The appliances, the amount of watts consumed, and the amount of time they are active in a day are given in the table below:

\text{Appliance}\text{Power required (W)}\text{Time active (hours)}
\text{Light globe}906

The average rate for electricity is \$0.14 \text{ per kWh}. Find the average running cost of the kitchen appliances in one day.


A television is used for 4 hours a day and consumes energy at a rate of 320 \text{ W}. The average rate for electricity is \$0.14 \text{ per kWh}. Assume that there are 365 days in a year.


Calculate the yearly running cost of the television.


To save money, the television is now to be used for only 1.5 hours a day. Calculate how much money will be saved in a year.

Energy rating of appliances

When we supply energy to an appliance, not all of it will be used effectively. Some may be lost through sound or heat energy also being produced. We can measure the effectiveness of the appliance in converting the energy supplied into 'useful energy' (the energy that contributes to the desired function of the appliance) using a percentage. The formula for calculating this is:\text{efficiency \%} = \dfrac{\text{useful energy}}{\text{energy supplied}} \times 100\%

Calculate the energy efficiency of each of the following household items, correct to the nearest percent:

\text{Appliance}\text{Energy supplied (J)}\text{Useful energy (J)}\text{Energy efficiency } (\%)
\text{Light bulb}10010
\text{Phone charger}151111

An oven consumes 452 \text{ kWh} of energy to provide 338 \text{ kWh} of useful energy. Expressing the ovens useful energy as a percentage of the energy it consumes, calculate the oven's energy efficiency to the nearest percent.


A family is comparing the price and energy consumption of dishwashers in a store. They expect that over a year, they will use the dishwasher for 320 loads. They find a 2-star rated dishwasher for \$320 that uses 1.9 \text{ kWh} per load and compare this to an energy saving 4-star rated dishwasher which costs \$460 and uses 1.1 \text{ kWh} per load. 1 \text{ kWh} costs 17 cents.


Over a one year period, how much will the family expect to save in electricity costs using the 4-star dishwasher rather than the 2-star dishwasher?


Will the electricity saving in the first year offset the difference in purchase price of the dishwashers?


Sophia’s family just installed a 25 \text{ W} Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) bulb in their kitchen. It gives off the equivalent amount of light of a 100 \text{ W} incandescent bulb. They use the light for 5 hours each day. Peter's family has a 100 \text{ W} incandescent bulb in their kitchen, and use it from 6 pm to 10 pm each day. 1 \text{ kWh} costs 20.9 cents.


Find how many kilowatt hours the CFL uses over the time Sophia’s family uses it each day.


Find how many kilowatt hours the incandescent bulb uses over the time Peter’s family uses it.


Which bulb uses more power?


How much does the CFL cost Sophia’s family each day? Do not round your answer.


How much does the incandescent bulb cost Peter's family each day? Do not round your answer.


Over a one year period (365 days), calculate the difference in the bill that the two families pay for their kitchen lighting.


Frank needs a new washing machine. He is deciding between 2 models that cost the same, the Washington brand and the Loaded brand. The washing machines both use different amounts of power depending on the selected cycle. The length and power required for each cycle are given in the tables below:

Washington Model:

Power (Watts)Time (Hours)
Wash Cycle2000.4
Spin Cycle3100.4

Loaded Model:

Power (Watts)Time (Hours)
Wash Cycle7000.2
Spin Cycle8000.025

Frank knows he performs around 60 loads of washing a year. The average rate for electricity is \$0.12 \text{ per kWh}.


Calculate the yearly running cost of the Washington appliance.


Calculate the yearly running cost of the Loaded appliance.


If Frank wants to save on overall costs, which brand should he choose?


Emma is upgrading all 9 light globes in her house to energy saving globes. Her current globes are 60 \text{ W} and the energy saving globes are 9 \text{ W}. Each globe will be used for approximately 1750 hours a year. The average rate for electricity is \$0.16 \text{ per kWh}.


Calculate the yearly running cost of the original light globes in the house.


Calculate the yearly running cost of the energy saving light globes.


How much will Emma save each year on lighting costs after she makes the switch to energy saving globes?


Gwen is searching for a new dishwasher for her restaurant. Her 2 options are the 2000-watt Power Clean brand for \$1000 and the 1500-watt Sparkle Sparkle brand for \$1400. The dishwasher will be used for approximately 2 hours a day. The average rate for electricity is \$0.16 \text{ per kWh}. Assume that there are 365 days in a year.


Calculate the yearly running cost of the Power Clean dishwasher.


Calculate the yearly running cost of the Sparkle Sparkle dishwasher.


How much would Gwen save in running costs each year in by purchasing the more expensive Sparkle Sparkle model?


Gwen purchases the more expensive Sparkle Sparkle brand. How long will it take for the savings in running costs to make up the extra cost of the Sparkle Sparkle dishwasher? Give your answer in years to two decimal places.


Sophia and Neville are comparing heaters. Sophia's heater requires 610 \text{ W} and takes 1.5 hours to heat their room. Neville's heater requires 1190 \text{ W}, but it takes only 0.6 hours to heat their room. They both have the same average rate for electricity, which is \$0.13 \text{ per kWh}.


State whose heater is the most cost efficient in heating their room.


Sophia heats up the room 125 times a year and Neville heats up the room 176 times a year. Who has the cheaper yearly running cost?


Amy is looking to purchase a new coffee machine for the office. She is deciding between 2 models that cost the same, the 1050-watt Cuppa Joe brand and the 800-watt Java Juicer brand. The coffee machines will be on for approximately 0.6 hours a day. The average rate for electricity is \$0.17 \text{ per kWh}. Assume there are 365 days in a year.

Given that both models perform the same, which brand should Amy choose? Show calculations to support your answer.


An office manager is comparing the price and energy consumption of televisions. They expect that over a year they will use the television for 6 hours per day. They find a 3-star rated television for \$750 that uses 274 \text{ kWh} per year, and compare this to an energy saving 9-star rated television which costs \$1083 and uses 72 \text{ kWh} per year. 1 \text{ kWh} costs 17 cents.

How many whole years will it take for the electricity savings, from using the 9-star television rather than the 3-star television, to offset the difference in purchase price?


Harry uses his computer for 2.5 hours a day. It requires 135 \text{ W} to operate. Nadia is using a different model of computer for 12 hours a day that requires 70 watts to operate. The average rate for electricity is \$0.15 \text{ per kWh}. Assume that there are 365 days in a year.


How much more does Nadia pay annually to run her computer?


Harry considers purchasing the model of computer Nadia owns. If he trades in his computer he will need to spend an additional \$135 to cover the cost difference. Weighing up the energy savings against the additional cost, does this seem like a wise choice? Show calculations to support your answer and assume he continues with the same usage habits as before.

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